Viviana Mascardi
Viviana Mascardi
Associate Professor, University of Genova, Italy
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Cited by
A Comparison of Upper Ontologies.
V Mascardi, V Cordì, P Rosso
Woa 2007, 55-64, 2007
Automatic ontology matching via upper ontologies: A systematic evaluation
V Mascardi, A Locoro, P Rosso
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 22 (5), 609-623, 2009
Behavioral types in programming languages
D Ancona, V Bono, M Bravetti, J Campos, G Castagna, PM Deniélou, ...
Foundations and Trends® in Programming Languages 3 (2-3), 95-230, 2016
Logic-based technologies for multi-agent systems: a systematic literature review
R Calegari, G Ciatto, V Mascardi, A Omicini
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 35 (1), 1, 2021
Towards a framework for certification of reliable autonomous systems
M Fisher, V Mascardi, KY Rozier, BH Schlingloff, M Winikoff, ...
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 35, 1-65, 2021
Languages for Programming BDI-style Agents: an Overview.
V Mascardi, D Demergasso, D Ancona
WOA 2005, 9-15, 2005
Automatic generation of self-monitoring MASs from multiparty global session types in Jason
D Ancona, S Drossopoulou, V Mascardi
Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies X: 10th International Workshop …, 2013
ROSMonitoring: a runtime verification framework for ROS
A Ferrando, RC Cardoso, M Fisher, D Ancona, L Franceschini, ...
Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 21st Annual Conference, TAROS 2020 …, 2020
Coo-AgentSpeak: Cooperation in AgentSpeak through plan exchange
D Ancona, V Mascardi, JF Hubner, RH Bordini
Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents …, 2004
Coo-BDI: Extending the BDI model with cooperativity
D Ancona, V Mascardi
International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies, 109-134, 2003
Logic-based specification languages for intelligent software agents
V Mascardi, M Martelli, L Sterling
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 4 (4), 429-494, 2004
Comparing environments for developing software agents
T Eiter, V Mascardi
AI Communications 15 (4), 169-197, 2002
Parametric Runtime Verification of Multiagent Systems.
D Ancona, A Ferrando, V Mascardi
AAMAS 17, 1457-1459, 2017
Comparing trace expressions and linear temporal logic for runtime verification
D Ancona, A Ferrando, V Mascardi
Theory and practice of formal methods: Essays dedicated to Frank de Boer on …, 2016
An ontology-based similarity between sets of concepts
V Cordı, P Lombardi, M Martelli, V Mascardi
Proceedings of WOA, Italy, 16-21, 2005
Engineering multi-agent systems: State of affairs and the road ahead
V Mascardi, D Weyns, A Ricci, CB Earle, A Casals, M Challenger, ...
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 44 (1), 18-28, 2019
An agent-based framework for sketched symbol interpretation
G Casella, V Deufemia, V Mascardi, G Costagliola, M Martelli
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 19 (2), 225-257, 2008
Logic Programming and Multi-Agent Systems: A synergic combination for applications and semantics
M Bozzano, G Delzanno, M Martelli, V Mascardi, F Zini
The Logic Programming Paradigm: a 25-Year Perspective, 5-32, 1999
Global protocols as first class entities for self-adaptive agents
D Ancona, D Briola, A Ferrando, V Mascardi
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2015
Distributed runtime verification of JADE multiagent systems
D Briola, V Mascardi, D Ancona
Intelligent Distributed Computing VIII, 81-91, 2015
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Articles 1–20