Sabine Matook
Sabine Matook
The University of Queensland, UQ Business School
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Supplier development with benchmarking as part of a comprehensive supplier risk management framework
S Matook, R Lasch, R Tamaschke
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 29 (3), 241-267, 2009
Are you feeling lonely? The impact of relationship characteristics and online social network features on loneliness
S Matook, J Cummings, H Bala
Journal of Management Information Systems 31 (4), 278-310, 2015
The impact of legitimacy-based motives on IS adoption success: An institutional theory perspective
K Krell, S Matook, F Rohde
Information & Management 53 (6), 683-697, 2016
Improving the quality of process reference models: A quality function deployment-based approach
S Matook, M Indulska
Decision Support Systems 47 (1), 60-71, 2009
Forming an intention to act on recommendations given via online social networks
S Matook, SA Brown, J Rolf
European Journal of Information Systems 24 (1), 76–92, 2015
Social media and relationships
BS Butler, S Matook
The international encyclopedia of digital communication and society, 1-12, 2015
Competitive advantage from mandatory investments: An empirical study of Australian firms
K Krell, S Matook
Journal of Strategic Information Systems 18 (1), 31-45, 2009
A competency model for customer representatives in agile software development projects
S Matook, L Maruping
MIS Quarterly Executive 13 (2), 77-95, 2014
The evolution of software development orchestration: current state and an agenda for future research
LM Maruping, S Matook
European Journal of Information Systems 29 (5), 443-457, 2020
The multiplex nature of the customer representative role in agile information systems development.
LM Maruping, S Matook
MIS Quarterly 44 (3), 1411-1437, 2020
Characteristics of IT artifacts: A systems thinking‐based framework for delineating and theorizing IT artifacts
S Matook, SA Brown
Information Systems Journal 27 (3), 309-346, 2017
Measuring the performance of electronic marketplaces: An external goal approach study
S Matook
Decision Support Systems 54 (2), 1065-1075, 2013
Types of business-to-business e-marketplaces: The role of a theory-based, domain-specific model.
S Matook, I Vessey
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 9 (4), 2008
Mindfulness and agile software development
S Matook, K Kautz
19th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), 638-647, 2008
Conceptualizing means-end chains of user goals as networks
S Matook
Information & Management 50 (1), 24-32, 2013
Just enough structure at the edge of chaos: agile information system development in practice
K Kautz, S Zumpe
XP 2008 - International Conference on Agile Processes and eXtreme …, 2008
Self-organization in agile ISD teams and the influence on exploration and exploitation
S Matook, S Soltani, L Maruping
International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2016, 2016
The effects of regulatory pressure on information system adoption success: An institutional theory perspective
K Krell, S Matook, F Rohde
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 17, 1-12, 2009
Conceptualizing the IT artifact for MIS research
S Matook, SA Brown
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2008, 2008
Conceptualizing interpersonal relationships in agile IS development
S Madsen, S Matook
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2010, Paper # 102, 2010
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Articles 1–20