Jo Wake
Jo Wake
Norce Technology AS
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Cited by
New and changing teacher roles in higher education in a digital age
JD Wake, O Dysthe, S Mjelstad
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 10 (1), 40-51, 2007
Usability evaluations of mobile mental health technologies: systematic review
Y Inal, JD Wake, F Guribye, T Nordgreen
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (1), e15337, 2020
Clinical effectiveness of music interventions for dementia and depression in elderly care (MIDDEL): Australian cohort of an international pragmatic cluster-randomised …
FA Baker, YEC Lee, TV Sousa, PA Stretton-Smith, J Tamplin, ...
The Lancet Healthy Longevity 3 (3), e153-e165, 2022
Music Interventions for Dementia and Depression in ELderly care (MIDDEL): protocol and statistical analysis plan for a multinational cluster-randomised trial
C Gold, J Eickholt, J Assmus, B Stige, JD Wake, FA Baker, J Tamplin, ...
BMJ open 9 (3), e023436, 2019
Integrating creativity into online university classes
B Muirhead
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 10 (1), 1-13, 2007
Participatory design of VR scenarios for exposure therapy
E Flobak, JD Wake, J Vindenes, S Kahlon, T Nordgreen, F Guribye
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2019
Adaptive elements in internet-delivered psychological treatment systems: systematic review
SK Mukhiya, JD Wake, Y Inal, KI Pun, Y Lamo
Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (11), e21066, 2020
Learning through collaborative design of location-based games
JD Wake, F Guribye, B Wasson
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 13, 167-187, 2018
Designing chatbots for guiding online peer support conversations for adults with ADHD
OE Nordberg, JD Wake, ES Nordby, E Flobak, T Nordgreen, SK Mukhiya, ...
International workshop on Chatbot research and design, 113-126, 2019
Adaptive systems for internet-delivered psychological treatments
SK Mukhiya, JD Wake, Y Inal, Y Lamo
IEEE Access 8, 112220-112236, 2020
Review of the impact of technology-enhanced learning on roles and practices in Higher Education
S Price
A Conversational Interface for Self-screening for ADHD in Adults
R Håvik, JD Wake, E Flobak, A Lundervold, F Guribye
Internet Science: INSCI 2018 International Workshops, St. Petersburg, Russia …, 2019
“Premierløytnant Bielke”: A mobile game for teaching and learning history
JD Wake, R Baggetun
Combining E-Learning and M-Learning: New Applications of Blended Educational …, 2011
An old game, new experience: exploring the effect of players’ personal gameplay history on game experience
Y Inal, J Wake
Universal Access in the Information Society 22 (3), 757-769, 2023
Challenges and possible solutions in cross-disciplinary and cross-sectorial research teams within the domain of e-mental health
T Nordgreen, F Rabbi, J Torresen, YS Skar, F Guribye, Y Inal, E Flobakk, ...
Journal of Enabling Technologies 15 (4), 241-251, 2021
Mobile, location-based games for learning: Developing, deploying and evaluating mobile game technology in education
JD Wake
The University of Bergen, 2013
Supporting creativity in teaching and learning of history through small-group production of mobile, location-based games
JD Wake, B Wasson
mLearn2011 conference proceedings, 181, 2011
Evaluating the Organising of a Collaborative Telelearning Scenario from an Instructor Perspective-an Activity Theoretical Approach
JD Wake
The University of Bergen, 2001
The practical accomplishment of location-based game-play: design and analysis of mobile collaborative gaming
F Guribye, JD Wake, B Wasson
International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) 6 (3), 32-50, 2014
The Interactional Organisation of Location-based Gaming
JD Wake, F Guribye, B Wasson
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2011
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Articles 1–20