Patrik Wikström
Cited by
Cited by
The Music Industry: Music in the Cloud
P Wikström
Cambridge: Polity, 2009
Linking dynamic-capability portfolios and innovation outcomes
HK Ellonen, P Wikström, A Jantunen
Technovation 29 (11), 753-762, 2009
TikTok: Creativity and culture in short video
D Kaye, J Zeng, P Wikstrom
Polity Press, 2022
A Typology of Music Distribution Models
P Wikström
International Journal of Music Business Research 1 (1), 7-20, 2012
Regulating ride-sharing in the peer economy
A Witt, N Suzor, P Wikström
Communication Research and Practice 1 (2), 174-190, 2015
Dynamic capabilities and performance: an empirical study on audio-visual producers in Europe
L Naldi, P Wikström, MB von Rimscha
International Studies of Management & Organization 44 (4), 2014
The Impact of Social Media Features on Print Media Firms' Online Business Models
P Wikström, HK Ellonen
Journal of Media Business Studies, 63, 2012
Business innovation and disruption in the music industry
P Wikström, R DeFillippi
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016
The music industry in an age of digital distribution
P Wikstrom
Change: 19 key essays on how the internet is changing our lives, 1-24, 2014
Literary Prosumers: Young People’s Reading and Writing in a New Media Landscape
C Olin-Scheller, P Wikström
Education inquiry 1 (1), 41-56, 2010
You Made This? I Made This: Practices of Authorship and (Mis) Attribution on TikTok
DBV Kaye, A Rodriguez, K Langton, P Wikström
International Journal of Communication 15, 21, 2021
Författande fans
C Olin-Scheller, P Wikström
Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2010
Music production in times of monopoly: The example of Sweden
R Burnett, P Wikström
Popular Music and Society 29 (5), 575-582, 2006
Reluctantly Virtual: Modeling Copyright Industry Dynamics
P Wikström
Karlstad University Studies. /diss./ 44, 2006
Humor that harms? Examining racist audio-visual memetic media on TikTok during Covid-19
A Matamoros-Fernández, A Rodriguez, P Wikström
Media and Communication 10 (2), 180-191, 2022
The Adaptive Behavior of Music Firms: A Music Industry Feedback Model
P Wikström
Journal of Media Business Studies 6 (2), 67-96, 2009
Does digitization lead to the homogenization of cultural content?
M Bourreau, F Moreau, P Wikström
Economic Inquiry 60 (1), 427-453, 2022
The enemy of music: Modeling the behavior of a cultural industry in crisis
P Wikström
International Journal on Media Management 7 (1-2), 65-74, 2005
Media business studies as we see it: Why does it matter, for whom, and how do you get published?
M Ots, G Nyilasy, U Rohn, P Wikström
Journal of Media Business Studies 12 (2), 103-106, 2015
Social bots in a commercial context-A case study on SoundCloud
B Ross, F Brachten, S Stieglitz, P Wikstrom, B Moon, FV Münch, A Bruns
Proceedings of the 26th European conference on information systems (ECIS2018 …, 2018
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Articles 1–20