Hessam Jahani
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Cited by
Feature decision-making ant colony optimization system for an automated recognition of plant species
MAJ Ghasab, S Khamis, F Mohammad, HJ Fariman
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (5), 2361-2370, 2015
Designing a user-defined gesture vocabulary for an in-vehicle climate control system
HJ Fariman, HJ Alyamani, M Kavakli, L Hamey
Proceedings of the 28th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction …, 2016
Simple and computationally efficient movement classification approach for EMG-controlled prosthetic hand: ANFIS vs. artificial neural network
H Jahani Fariman, SA Ahmad, M Hamiruce Marhaban, M Ali Jan Ghasab, ...
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 21 (4), 559-573, 2015
Exploring a user-defined gesture vocabulary for descriptive mid-air interactions
H Jahani, M Kavakli
Cognition, Technology & Work 20, 11-22, 2018
User evaluation of hand gestures for designing an intelligent in-vehicle interface
H Jahani, HJ Alyamani, M Kavakli, A Dey, M Billinghurst
Designing the Digital Transformation: 12th International Conference, DESRIST …, 2017
Hand movements classification for myoelectric control system using adaptive resonance theory
H Jahani Fariman, SA Ahmad, M Hamiruce Marhaban, M Alijan Ghasab, ...
Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine 39, 85-102, 2016
Gait Recognition Based on Invariant Leg Classification Using a Neuro‐Fuzzy Algorithm as the Fusion Method
H Sadoghi Yazdi, HJ Fariman, J Roohi
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012 (1), 289721, 2012
MATRACK: block sparse Bayesian learning for a sketch recognition approach
H Jahani-Fariman, M Kavakli, A Boyali
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 1997-2012, 2018
Developing a user-defined interface for in-vehicle mid-air gestural interactions
H Jahani-Fariman
Companion Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent …, 2017
Towards a driving training system to support cognitive flexibility
HJ Alyamani, M Alsharfan, M Kavakli-Thorne
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Articles 1–10