Mark knackstedt
Mark knackstedt
Applied Maths, Australian National University
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Virtual permeametry on microtomographic images
CH Arns, MA Knackstedt, WV Pinczewski, NS Martys
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 45 (1-2), 41-46, 2004
Principles of structural control on permeability and fluid flow in hydrothermal systems
SF Cox, MA Knackstedt, J Braun
Assessment of bone ingrowth into porous biomaterials using MICRO-CT
AC Jones, CH Arns, AP Sheppard, DW Hutmacher, BK Milthorpe, ...
Biomaterials 28 (15), 2491-2504, 2007
The correlation of pore morphology, interconnectivity and physical properties of 3D ceramic scaffolds with bone ingrowth
AC Jones, CH Arns, DW Hutmacher, BK Milthorpe, AP Sheppard, ...
Biomaterials 30 (7), 1440-1451, 2009
Pore-scale characterization of carbonates using X-ray microtomography
CH Arns, F Bauget, A Limaye, A Sakellariou, TJ Senden, AP Sheppard, ...
Spe Journal 10 (04), 475-484, 2005
Accurate estimation of transport properties from microtomographic images
CH Arns, MA Knackstedt, MV Pinczewski, WB Lindquist
Geophysical research letters 28 (17), 3361-3364, 2001
Pore scale characterization of carbonates at multiple scales: Integration of Micro-CT, BSEM, and FIBSEM
RM Sok, MA Knackstedt, T Varslot, A Ghous, S Latham, AP Sheppard
Petrophysics-The SPWLA Journal of Formation Evaluation and Reservoir …, 2010
Analysis of 3D bone ingrowth into polymer scaffolds via micro-computed tomography imaging
AC Jones, B Milthorpe, H Averdunk, A Limaye, TJ Senden, A Sakellariou, ...
Biomaterials 25 (20), 4947-4954, 2004
The effect of displacement rate on imbibition relative permeability and residual saturation
VH Nguyen, AP Sheppard, MA Knackstedt, WV Pinczewski
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 52 (1-4), 54-70, 2006
Digital rock physics: 3D imaging of core material and correlations to acoustic and flow properties
MA Knackstedt, S Latham, M Madadi, A Sheppard, T Varslot, C Arns
The Leading Edge 28 (1), 28-33, 2009
Pore network modelling of two-phase flow in porous rock: the effect of correlated heterogeneity
MA Knackstedt, AP Sheppard, M Sahimi
Advances in Water Resources 24 (3-4), 257-277, 2001
3D porosity and mineralogy characterization in tight gas sandstones
AN Golab, MA Knackstedt, H Averdunk, T Senden, AR Butcher, P Jaime
The leading edge 29 (12), 1476-1483, 2010
Structure-property correlations in model composite materials
AP Roberts, MA Knackstedt
Physical Review E 54 (3), 2313, 1996
Cross-property correlations and permeability estimation in sandstone
CH Arns, MA Knackstedt, NS Martys
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (4 …, 2005
Direct and stochastic generation of network models from tomographic images; effect of topology on residual saturations
RM Sok, MA Knackstedt, AP Sheppard, WV Pinczewski, WB Lindquist, ...
Transport in porous media 46, 345-371, 2002
Invasion percolation: new algorithms and universality classes
AP Sheppard, MA Knackstedt, WV Pinczewski, M Sahimi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32 (49), L521, 1999
Three-dimensional imaging of multiphase flow in porous media
ML Turner, L Knuefing, CH Arns, A Sakellariou, TJ Senden, AP Sheppard, ...
Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its applications 339 (1-2), 166-172, 2004
Euler-Poincaré characteristics of classes of disordered media
CH Arns, MA Knackstedt, WV Pinczewski, KR Mecke
Physical Review E 63 (3), 031112, 2001
Digital core laboratory: Petrophysical analysis from 3D imaging of reservoir core fragments
CH Arns, F Bauget, A Sakellariou, TJ Senden, AP Sheppard, RM Sok, ...
Petrophysics-The SPWLA Journal of Formation Evaluation and Reservoir …, 2005
Effect of network topology on relative permeability
JY Arns, V Robins, AP Sheppard, RM Sok, WV Pinczewski, ...
Transport in Porous media 55, 21-46, 2004
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Articles 1–20