Dong Zheng
Cited by
Cited by
Distributed opportunistic scheduling for ad hoc networks with random access: An optimal stopping approach
D Zheng, W Ge, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55 (1), 205-222, 2008
The impact of stochastic noisy feedback on distributed network utility maximization
J Zhang, D Zheng, M Chiang
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (2), 645-665, 2008
Distributed opportunistic scheduling for ad-hoc communications: An optimal stopping approach
D Zheng, W Ge, J Zhang
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2007
Distributed opportunistic scheduling for ad-hoc communications under delay constraints
SS Tan, D Zheng, J Zhang, J Zeidler
2010 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1-9, 2010
CSMA-based distributed scheduling in multi-hop MIMO networks under SINR model
D Qian, D Zheng, J Zhang, N Shroff
2010 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 1-9, 2010
Distributed CSMA algorithms for link scheduling in multihop MIMO networks under SINR model
D Qian, D Zheng, J Zhang, NB Shroff, C Joo
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 21 (3), 746-759, 2012
Distributed opportunistic scheduling for ad hoc communications with imperfect channel information
D Zheng, MO Pun, W Ge, J Zhang, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7 (12), 5450-5460, 2008
A stochastic primal-dual algorithm for joint flow control and mac design in multi-hop wireless networks
J Zhang, D Zheng
2006 40th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, 339-344, 2006
Distributed opportunistic scheduling with two-level probing
CT PS, J Zhang, MO Pun, HV Poor, D Zheng
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 18 (5), 1464-1477, 2010
A stochastic model for short-lived tcp flows.
D Zheng, G Lazarou, R Hu
In Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications 1, 76-81, 2003
Channel aware distributed scheduling for exploiting multi-receiver diversity and multiuser diversity in ad-hoc networks: a unified phy/mac approach
D Zheng, M Cao, J Zhang, PR Kumar
IEEE INFOCOM 2008-The 27th Conference on Computer Communications, 1454-1462, 2008
Distributed opportunistic scheduling for MIMO ad-hoc networks
MO Pun, W Ge, D Zheng, J Zhang, HV Poor
2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 3689-3693, 2008
A two-phase utility maximization framework for wireless medium access control
D Zheng, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6 (12), 4299-4207, 2007
Distributed opportunistic scheduling for ad-hoc communications under noisy channel estimation
D Zheng, MO Pun, W Ge, J Zhang, HV Poor
2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 3715-3719, 2008
A unscented particle filtering approach to estimating competing stations in IEEE 802.11 WLANs
D Zheng, J Zhang
GLOBECOM'05. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2005. 5, 5 pp.-3143, 2005
Protocol design and throughput analysis of frequency-agile multi-channel medium access control
D Zheng, J Zhang
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 5 (10), 2887-2895, 2006
Protocol design and performance analysis of opportunistic multi-channel medium access control
D Zheng, J Zhang
Proc. IASTED CIIT’03, 2003
Joint optimal channel probing and transmission in collocated wireless networks
D Zheng, J Zhang
IEEE INFOCOM 2007-26th IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2007
On the modeling of TCP latency and throughput
D Zheng
Mississippi State University, 2002
A hierarchical multiuser diversity (HMD) transmission scheme
D Zheng, J Zhang, J Sadowsky
GLOBECOM'03. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
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Articles 1–20