Abhnil A. Prasad
Cited by
Cited by
Assessment of solar and wind resource synergy in Australia
AA Prasad, RA Taylor, M Kay
Applied Energy 190, 354-367, 2017
Direct normal irradiance forecasting and its application to concentrated solar thermal output forecasting–A review
EW Law, AA Prasad, M Kay, RA Taylor
Solar Energy 108, 287-307, 2014
Assessment of direct normal irradiance and cloud connections using satellite data over Australia
AA Prasad, RA Taylor, M Kay
Applied Energy 143, 301-311, 2015
Assessment of atmospheric aerosols from two reanalysis products over Australia
SK Mukkavilli, AA Prasad, RA Taylor, J Huang, RM Mitchell, A Troccoli, ...
Atmospheric research 215, 149-164, 2019
Assessment of simulated solar irradiance on days of high intermittency using WRF-solar
AA Prasad, M Kay
Energies 13 (2), 385, 2020
The resilience of Australian wind energy to climate change
JP Evans, M Kay, A Prasad, A Pitman
Environmental Research Letters 13 (2), 024014, 2018
Dust cycle and soiling issues affecting solar energy reductions in Australia using multiple datasets
AA Prasad, N Nishant, M Kay
Applied Energy 310, 118626, 2022
Estimation of future changes in photovoltaic potential in Australia due to climate change
S Poddar, JP Evans, M Kay, A Prasad, S Bremner
Environmental Research Letters 16 (11), 114034, 2021
Changes in solar resource intermittency and reliability under Australia’s future warmer climate
S Poddar, M Kay, A Prasad, JP Evans, S Bremner
Solar Energy 266, 112039, 2023
Evaluation and improvement of TAPM in estimating solar irradiance in Eastern Australia
A Dehghan, AA Prasad, SC Sherwood, M Kay
Solar Energy 107, 668-680, 2014
Prediction of solar power using near-real time satellite data
AA Prasad, M Kay
Energies 14 (18), 5865, 2021
Synergy of solar photovoltaics-wind-battery systems in Australia
AA Prasad, Y Yang, M Kay, C Menictas, S Bremner
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 152, 111693, 2021
Cloud mask-related differential linear adjustment model for MODIS infrared water vapor product
L Chang, R Xiao, AA Prasad, G Gao, G Feng, Y Zhang
Remote Sensing of Environment 221, 650-664, 2019
Mesoscale simulations of Australian direct normal irradiance, featuring an extreme dust event
SK Mukkavilli, AA Prasad, RA Taylor, A Troccoli, MJ Kay
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 57 (3), 493-515, 2018
Validation of Australian atmospheric aerosols from reanalysis data and CMIP6 simulations
A Isaza, M Kay, JP Evans, S Bremner, A Prasad
Atmospheric Research 264, 105856, 2021
Spatio-temporal characterisation of extended low direct normal irradiance events over Australia using satellite derived solar radiation data
B Elliston, I MacGill, A Prasad, M Kay
Renewable Energy 74, 633-639, 2015
Exploring climate change adaptation, mitigation and marketing connections
K Deo, AA Prasad
Sustainability 14 (7), 4255, 2022
Evidence of climate change engagement behaviour on a Facebook fan-based page
K Deo, AA Prasad
Sustainability 12 (17), 7038, 2020
Rapidly evolving cirrus clouds modulated by convectively generated gravity waves
AA Prasad, SC Sherwood, MJ Reeder, TP Lane
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (13), 7327-7338, 2019
Maximizing photovoltaic potential and minimizing costs in a future warmer climate: The role of atmospheric aerosols and greenhouse gas emissions
A Isaza, M Kay, JP Evans, A Prasad, S Bremner
Renewable Energy 219, 119561, 2023
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Articles 1–20