Neil Hoult
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Cited by
Smart bridges, smart tunnels: Transforming wireless sensor networks from research prototypes into robust engineering infrastructure
F Stajano, N Hoult, I Wassell, P Bennett, C Middleton, K Soga
Ad Hoc Networks 8 (8), 872-888, 2010
Experimental accuracy of two dimensional strain measurements using digital image correlation
NA Hoult, WA Take, C Lee, M Dutton
Engineering Structures 46, 718-726, 2013
Does the use of FRP reinforcement change the one-way shear behavior of reinforced concrete slabs?
NA Hoult, EG Sherwood, EC Bentz, MP Collins
Journal of Composites for Construction 12 (2), 125-133, 2008
Distributed strain behavior of a reinforced concrete bridge: Case study
R Regier, NA Hoult
Journal of Bridge Engineering 19 (12), 05014007, 2014
Measurement of vertical and longitudinal rail displacements using digital image correlation
CA Murray, WA Take, NA Hoult
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 52 (2), 141-155, 2015
Utilization of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in concrete for structural health monitoring (SHM) purposes: A review
M Siahkouhi, G Razaqpur, NA Hoult, MH Baghban, G Jing
Construction and Building Materials 309, 125137, 2021
Long-term wireless structural health monitoring of the Ferriby Road Bridge
NA Hoult, PRA Fidler, PG Hill, CR Middleton
Journal of Bridge Engineering 15 (2), 153-159, 2010
Wireless sensor networks: creating ‘smart infrastructure’
N Hoult, PJ Bennett, I Stoianov, P Fidler, Č Maksimović, C Middleton, ...
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering 162 (3 …, 2009
Damage/deterioration detection for steel structures using distributed fiber optic strain sensors
NA Hoult, O Ekim, R Regier
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 140 (12), 04014097, 2014
Distributed sensing of circumferential strain using fiber optics during full-scale buried pipe experiments
B Simpson, NA Hoult, ID Moore
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 6 (4), 04015002, 2015
Effect of deterioration on the performance of corrugated steel culverts
VT Mai, NA Hoult, ID Moore
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 140 (2), 04013007, 2014
Smart railway sleepers-a review of recent developments, challenges, and future prospects
G Jing, M Siahkouhi, JR Edwards, MS Dersch, NA Hoult
Construction and Building Materials 271, 121533, 2021
Curvature monitoring of beams using digital image correlation
M Dutton, WA Take, NA Hoult
Journal of Bridge Engineering 19 (3), 05013001, 2014
Efficient CFRP strap configurations for the shear strengthening of reinforced concrete T-beams
NA Hoult, JM Lees
Journal of Composites for Construction 13 (1), 45-52, 2009
Analysis of fiber-optic strain-monitoring data from a prestressed concrete bridge
GT Webb, PJ Vardanega, NA Hoult, PRA Fidler, PJ Bennett, ...
Journal of Bridge Engineering 22 (5), 05017002, 2017
Monitoring reinforced concrete serviceability performance using fiber-optic sensors
A Brault, N Hoult
ACI Structural Journal 116 (1), 57, 2019
Impact of soil erosion voids on reinforced concrete pipe responses to surface loads
JM Peter, D Chapman, ID Moore, N Hoult
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 82, 111-124, 2018
Distributed Reinforcement Strains: Measurement and Application.
A Brault, NA Hoult
ACI Structural Journal 116 (4), 2019
Distributed strain sensing to determine the impact of corrosion on bond performance in reinforced concrete
M Davis, NA Hoult, A Scott
Construction and Building Materials 114, 481-491, 2016
Performance assessment of peat rail subgrade before and after mass stabilization
LN Wheeler, WA Take, NA Hoult
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 54 (5), 674-689, 2017
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Articles 1–20