Vivian Ferry
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Cited by
Broadband polarization-independent resonant light absorption using ultrathin plasmonic super absorbers
K Aydin, VE Ferry, RM Briggs, HA Atwater
Nature communications 2 (1), 517, 2011
Plasmonic nanostructure design for efficient light coupling into solar cells
VE Ferry, LA Sweatlock, D Pacifici, HA Atwater
Nano letters 8 (12), 4391-4397, 2008
Design considerations for plasmonic photovoltaics
VE Ferry, JN Munday, HA Atwater
Advanced materials 22 (43), 4794-4808, 2010
Light trapping in ultrathin plasmonic solar cells
VE Ferry, MA Verschuuren, HBT Li, E Verhagen, RJ Walters, REI Schropp, ...
Optics express 18 (102), A237-A245, 2010
Plasmonic light trapping in thin-film Si solar cells
P Spinelli, VE Ferry, J Van de Groep, M Van Lare, MA Verschuuren, ...
Journal of Optics 14 (2), 024002, 2012
Optimized spatial correlations for broadband light trapping nanopatterns in high efficiency ultrathin film a-Si: H solar cells
VE Ferry, MA Verschuuren, MC Lare, REI Schropp, HA Atwater, A Polman
Nano letters 11 (10), 4239-4245, 2011
Probing Förster and Dexter energy-transfer mechanisms in fluorescent conjugated polymer chemosensors
CB Murphy, Y Zhang, T Troxler, V Ferry, JJ Martin, WE Jones
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (5), 1537-1543, 2004
Improved red-response in thin film a-Si: H solar cells with soft-imprinted plasmonic back reflectors
VE Ferry, MA Verschuuren, HBT Li, REI Schropp, HA Atwater, A Polman
Applied physics letters 95 (18), 2009
Design of nanostructured solar cells using coupled optical and electrical modeling
MG Deceglie, VE Ferry, AP Alivisatos, HA Atwater
Nano letters 12 (6), 2894-2900, 2012
Photovoltaic performance of ultrasmall PbSe quantum dots
W Ma, SL Swisher, T Ewers, J Engel, VE Ferry, HA Atwater, AP Alivisatos
ACS nano 5 (10), 8140-8147, 2011
Modeling light trapping in nanostructured solar cells
VE Ferry, A Polman, HA Atwater
ACS nano 5 (12), 10055-10064, 2011
Luminescent solar concentration with semiconductor nanorods and transfer-printed micro-silicon solar cells
ND Bronstein, L Li, L Xu, Y Yao, VE Ferry, AP Alivisatos, RG Nuzzo
Acs Nano 8 (1), 44-53, 2014
Quantum dot luminescent concentrator cavity exhibiting 30-fold concentration
ND Bronstein, Y Yao, L Xu, E O’Brien, AS Powers, VE Ferry, AP Alivisatos, ...
Acs Photonics 2 (11), 1576-1583, 2015
How much can guided modes enhance absorption in thin solar cells?
PN Saeta, VE Ferry, D Pacifici, JN Munday, HA Atwater
Optics Express 17 (23), 20975-20990, 2009
Dielectric core–shell optical antennas for strong solar absorption enhancement
Y Yu, VE Ferry, AP Alivisatos, L Cao
Nano letters 12 (7), 3674-3681, 2012
Reducing operating temperature in photovoltaic modules
TJ Silverman, MG Deceglie, I Subedi, NJ Podraza, IM Slauch, VE Ferry, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (2), 532-540, 2018
Reversible aptamer-Au plasmon rulers for secreted single molecules
SE Lee, Q Chen, R Bhat, S Petkiewicz, JM Smith, VE Ferry, AL Correia, ...
Nano letters 15 (7), 4564-4570, 2015
Circular dichroism of CdSe nanocrystals bound by chiral carboxylic acids
M Puri, VE Ferry
ACS nano 11 (12), 12240-12246, 2017
Gender performance gaps across different assessment methods and the underlying mechanisms: The case of incoming preparation and test anxiety
S Salehi, S Cotner, SM Azarin, EE Carlson, M Driessen, VE Ferry, ...
Frontiers in Education 4, 107, 2019
Silicon quantum dot–poly (methyl methacrylate) nanocomposites with reduced light scattering for luminescent solar concentrators
SKE Hill, R Connell, C Peterson, J Hollinger, MA Hillmyer, U Kortshagen, ...
Acs Photonics 6 (1), 170-180, 2018
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Articles 1–20