Henri Bonnel
Henri Bonnel
Other namesȘerban Bolintineanu
Professor of Mathematics, University of New Caledonia
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Cited by
Proximal methods in vector optimization
H Bonnel, AN Iusem, BF Svaiter
SIAM Journal on Optimization 15 (4), 953-970, 2005
Semivectorial bilevel optimization problem: penalty approach
H Bonnel, J Morgan
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 131, 365-382, 2006
Minimization of a quasi-concave function over an efficient set
S Bolintineanu
Mathematical Programming 61, 89-110, 1993
Optimality conditions for the semivectorial bilevel optimization problem
H Bonnel
Pacific Journal of Optimization 2, 2006
Optimization over the efficient set of multi-objective convex optimal control problems
H Bonnel, C Yalçın Kaya
Journal of optimization theory and applications 147, 93-112, 2010
Vector Variational Principles; epsilon-Efficiency and Scalar Stationarity
S Bolintinéanu
Journal of Convex Analysis 8 (1), 71-86, 2001
Stochastic optimization over a Pareto set associated with a stochastic multi-objective optimization problem
H Bonnel, J Collonge
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 162, 405-427, 2014
Optimality conditions for minimization over the (weakly or properly) efficient set
S Bolintinéanu
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 173 (2), 523-541, 1993
Second-order efficiency conditions and sensitivity of efficient points
S Bolintinéanu, M El Maghri
Journal of optimization theory and applications 98, 569-592, 1998
Semivectorial bilevel optimization on Riemannian manifolds
H Bonnel, L Todjihoundé, C Udrişte
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 167, 464-486, 2015
Approximate efficiency and scalar stationarity in unbounded nonsmooth convex vector optimization problems
S Bolintinéanu
Journal of optimization theory and applications 106, 265-296, 2000
Optimality conditions for semivectorial bilevel convex optimal control problems
H Bonnel, J Morgan
Computational and Analytical Mathematics: In Honor of Jonathan Borwein's …, 2013
Semivectorial bilevel convex optimal control problems: existence results
H Bonnel, J Morgan
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 50 (6), 3224-3241, 2012
Necessary conditions for nonlinear suboptimization over the weakly-efficient set
S Bolintinéanu
Journal of optimization Theory and Applications 78, 579-598, 1993
Optimization over the Pareto outcome set associated with a convex bi-objective optimization problem: theoretical results, deterministic algorithm and application to the …
H Bonnel, J Collonge
Journal of Global Optimization 62 (3), 481-505, 2015
Pénalisation dans l'optimisation sur l'ensemble faiblement efficient
S Bolintinéanu, M El Maghri
RAIRO-Operations Research 31 (3), 295-310, 1997
Nonsmooth optimization over the (weakly or properly) Pareto set of a linear-quadratic multi-objective control problem: Explicit optimality conditions
H Bonnel, NS Pham
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 7 (4), 789-809, 2011
Linear multicriteria sensitivity and shadow costs
S Bolintineanu, BD Craven
Optimization 26 (1-2), 115-127, 1992
Post-Pareto analysis and a new algorithm for the optimal parameter tuning of the elastic net
H Bonnel, C Schneider
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 183, 993-1027, 2019
Optimality conditions for constrained convex parabolic control problems via duality
D Azé, S Bolintinéanu
Journal of Convex Analysis 7 (1), 1-18, 2000
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Articles 1–20