Toby W. Allen
Toby W. Allen
Professor, Physics, School of Science, RMIT University
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Theoretical and computational models of biological ion channels
B Roux, T Allen, S Berneche, W Im
Quarterly reviews of biophysics 37 (1), 15-103, 2004
Energetics of ion conduction through the gramicidin channel
TW Allen, OS Andersen, B Roux
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (1), 117-122, 2004
The different interactions of lysine and arginine side chains with lipid membranes
L Li, I Vorobyov, TW Allen
The journal of physical chemistry B 117 (40), 11906-11920, 2013
On the thermodynamic stability of a charged arginine side chain in a transmembrane helix
S Dorairaj, TW Allen
Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences 104 (12), 4943-4948, 2007
Membrane protein structure, function, and dynamics: a perspective from experiments and theory
Z Cournia, TW Allen, I Andricioaei, B Antonny, D Baum, G Brannigan, ...
The Journal of membrane biology 248, 611-640, 2015
The role of tryptophan side chains in membrane protein anchoring and hydrophobic mismatch
AJ de Jesus, TW Allen
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1828 (2), 864-876, 2013
Permeation of ions across the potassium channel: Brownian dynamics studies
SH Chung, TW Allen, M Hoyles, S Kuyucak
Biophysical journal 77 (5), 2517-2533, 1999
Mechanisms of permeation and selectivity in calcium channels
B Corry, TW Allen, S Kuyucak, SH Chung
Biophysical Journal 80 (1), 195-214, 2001
Molecular dynamics—potential of mean force calculations as a tool for understanding ion permeation and selectivity in narrow channels
TW Allen, OS Andersen, B Roux
Biophysical chemistry 124 (3), 251-267, 2006
Mechanism of potassium-channel selectivity revealed by Na+ and Li+ binding sites within the KcsA pore
AN Thompson, I Kim, TD Panosian, TM Iverson, TW Allen, CM Nimigean
Nature structural & molecular biology 16 (12), 1317-1324, 2009
Molecular dynamics study of the KcsA potassium channel
TW Allen, S Kuyucak, SH Chung
Biophysical journal 77 (5), 2502-2516, 1999
On the importance of atomic fluctuations, protein flexibility, and solvent in ion permeation
TW Allen, OS Andersen, B Roux
The Journal of general physiology 124 (6), 679-690, 2004
Ion permeation through a narrow channel: using gramicidin to ascertain all-atom molecular dynamics potential of mean force methodology and biomolecular force fields
TW Allen, OS Andersen, B Roux
Biophysical journal 90 (10), 3447-3468, 2006
The potassium channel: structure, selectivity and diffusion
TW Allen, A Bliznyuk, AP Rendell, S Kuyucak, SH Chung
The Journal of chemical physics 112 (18), 8191-8204, 2000
Structure of gramicidin A in a lipid bilayer environment determined using molecular dynamics simulations and solid-state NMR data
TW Allen, OS Andersen, B Roux
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (32), 9868-9877, 2003
Conducting-state properties of the KcsA potassium channel from molecular and Brownian dynamics simulations
SH Chung, TW Allen, S Kuyucak
Biophysical journal 82 (2), 628-645, 2002
Study of ionic currents across a model membrane channel using Brownian dynamics
SH Chung, M Hoyles, T Allen, S Kuyucak
Biophysical Journal 75 (2), 793-809, 1998
Gramicidin A channel as a test ground for molecular dynamics force fields
TW Allen, T Baştuğ, S Kuyucak, SH Chung
Biophysical Journal 84 (4), 2159-2168, 2003
Potential of Mean Force and pKa Profile Calculation for a Lipid Membrane-Exposed Arginine Side Chain
L Li, I Vorobyov, TW Allen
The journal of physical chemistry B 112 (32), 9574-9587, 2008
The effect of hydrophobic and hydrophilic channel walls on the structure and diffusion of water and ions
TW Allen, S Kuyucak, SH Chung
The Journal of chemical physics 111 (17), 7985-7999, 1999
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Articles 1–20