Ana Roxana Ciupuliga
Ana Roxana Ciupuliga
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The role of dialogue in fostering acceptance of transmission lines: the case of a France–Spain interconnection project
AR Ciupuliga, E Cuppen
Energy Policy 60, 224-233, 2013
Round-the-year security analysis with large-scale wind power integration
AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu, E Pelgrum, PGH Jacobs, KPJ Jansen, WL Kling
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 3 (1), 85-93, 2011
Fault ride-through requirements for onshore wind power plants in Europe: The needs of the power system
JC Boemer, AA van der Meer, BG Rawn, RL Hendriks, AR Ciupuliga, ...
2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 1-8, 2011
Possible criteria to assess technical-economic and strategic benefits of specific transmission projects
A L’Abbate, I Losa, G Migliavacca, AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu, H Auer, ...
REALISEGRID Deliverable D 3, 2011
Grid connection of large wind power plants. A European overview
AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu, WL Kling, G Fulli, A L'Abbate
Review of existing methods for transmission planning and for grid connection of wind power plants
G Fulli, AR Ciupuliga, A L’Abbate, M Gibescu
REALISEGRID Deliverable D 3, 2009
Transmission expansion planning under increased uncertainties, towards efficient and sustainable power systems
AR Ciupuliga
A market-based investigation of large-scale renewable energy integration in northwestern europe
AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu, E Pelgrum, MAMM van der Meijden, WL Kling
2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 1-8, 2012
Combining market simulations and load-flow calculations for planning of interconnected systems with high RES penetration-Practical experience
PGH Jacobs, CPJ Jansen, R Van Houtert, E Pelgrum, AR Ciupuliga, ...
44th International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 2012 …, 2012
A novel transmission system planning method combining market simulations and load flow calculations for identifying bottlenecks in systems with large RES penetration
PGH Jacobs, CPJ Jansen, R Van Offeren, E Pelgrum, AR Ciupuliga, ...
Proc. Cigré, 22-27, 2010
Prospects for the transmission planning in Europe towards a sustainable energy future: the REALISEGRID project
G Migliavacca, A L’Abbate, I Losa, S Galant, A Vaféas, T Pagano, G Fulli, ...
Proc. of CIGRE 2010 Session, Paris, France, 2010
Approval procedures and consensus for building transmission lines: Obstacles and solutions
AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu, W Kling, G Migliavacca, A L'Abbate, K Jansen, ...
2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 426-431, 2011
Round-the-year based network reinforcement solution generator
AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu, WL Kling, M van der Meijden
2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, 1-7, 2014
Round-the-year security analysis with bottleneck ranking for interconnected power systems with large-scale wind power
AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu, E Pelgrum, PGH Jacobs, CPJ Jansen, ...
2010 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2010
Review of existing transmission planning and approval procedures and coordination of infrastructure developments between TSOs
AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu
Realise Grid project deliverable D 3, 2010
REALISEGRID D3. 1.1 Review of existing methods for transmission planning and for grid connection of wind power plants
G Fulli, AR Ciupuliga, A L’Abbate, M Gibescu
June, 2009
The impacts of extra load from EVs in the Netherlands: A North-West Europe case study
A Lojowska, AR Ciupuliga, G Papaefthymiou, L van der Sluis
2012 IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference, 1-7, 2012
Evaluation of north sea offshore grid topologies via market simulations and security analysis
AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu, M van der Meijden, WL Kling
IET Digital Library, 2014
Sustainability assessment of transmission expansion alternatives
AR Ciupuliga, M Gibescu, E Pelgrum, WL Kling
Conf. Proc. of 17th Power Systems Computation Conference, 2011
North Sea Transnational Grid
FDJ Nieuwenhout, EJ Wiggelinkhuizen, P Bauer, A van der Meer, ...
ECN, 2014
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Articles 1–20