Iain Murchland
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Cited by
Enhancer-like long-range transcriptional activation by λ CI-mediated DNA looping
L Cui, I Murchland, KE Shearwin, IB Dodd
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013
Factor inhibiting HIF (FIH) recognizes distinct molecular features within hypoxia-inducible factor-α (HIF-α) versus ankyrin repeat substrates
SE Wilkins, S Karttunen, RJ Hampton-Smith, I Murchland, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (12), 8769-8781, 2012
Promoter activation by CII, a potent transcriptional activator from bacteriophage 186
I Murchland, A Ahlgren-Berg, DG Priest, IB Dodd, KE Shearwin
Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (46), 32094-32108, 2014
Instability of CII is needed for efficient switching between lytic and lysogenic development in bacteriophage 186
IM Murchland, A Ahlgren-Berg, JMJ Pietsch, A Isabel, IB Dodd, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 48 (21), 12030-12041, 2020
Bacteriophage lambda repressor mediates the formation of a complex enhancer-like structure
L Cui, I Murchland, IB Dodd, KE Shearwin
Transcription 4 (5), 201-205, 2013
Long-range DNA looping in the lambda genetic switch
K Shearwin, L Cui, I Murchland, IB Dodd
Biophysical Journal 106 (2), 626a, 2014
Structure-function studies and in silico drug discovery targeting the liver Oncoprotein Gankyrin.
I Murchland
Assignment of the 1H, 13C and 15N resonances of the calponin homology-2 domain of α-actinin-4
HH Chen, I Murchland, GW Booker
Biomolecular NMR assignments 2, 195-197, 2008
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