Derek A. Wyman
Derek A. Wyman
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Petrogenesis of Cretaceous adakitic and shoshonitic igneous rocks in the Luzong area, Anhui Province (eastern China): implications for geodynamics and Cu–Au mineralization
Q Wang, DA Wyman, JF Xu, ZH Zhao, P Jian, XL Xiong, ZW Bao, CF Li, ...
Lithos 89 (3-4), 424-446, 2006
Early Cretaceous adakitic granites in the Northern Dabie Complex, central China: implications for partial melting and delamination of thickened lower crust
Q Wang, DA Wyman, J Xu, P Jian, Z Zhao, C Li, W Xu, J Ma, B He
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 71 (10), 2609-2636, 2007
Eocene melting of subducting continental crust and early uplifting of central Tibet: evidence from central-western Qiangtang high-K calc-alkaline andesites, dacites and rhyolites
Q Wang, DA Wyman, J Xu, Y Dong, PM Vasconcelos, N Pearson, Y Wan, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272 (1-2), 158-171, 2008
Ridge subduction and crustal growth in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: evidence from Late Carboniferous adakites and high-Mg diorites in the western Junggar region, northern …
G Tang, Q Wang, DA Wyman, ZX Li, ZH Zhao, XH Jia, ZQ Jiang
Chemical Geology 277 (3-4), 281-300, 2010
Petrogenesis of Carboniferous adakites and Nb-enriched arc basalts in the Alataw area, northern Tianshan Range (western China): implications for Phanerozoic crustal growth in …
Q Wang, DA Wyman, ZH Zhao, JF Xu, ZH Bai, XL Xiong, TM Dai, CF Li, ...
Chemical Geology 236 (1-2), 42-64, 2007
Geodynamic setting of mesothermal gold deposits: An association with accretionary tectonic regimes
R Kerrich, D Wyman
Geology 18 (9), 882-885, 1990
Trace element geochemistry of igneous rocks: geochemical nomenclature and analytical geochemistry
GA Jenner, DA Wyman
Trace element geochemistry of volcanic rocks: applications for massive …, 1996
Os isotope systematics in ocean island basalts
L Reisberg, A Zindler, F Marcantonio, W White, D Wyman, B Weaver
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 120 (3-4), 149-167, 1993
Triassic Nb-enriched basalts, magnesian andesites, and adakites of the Qiangtang terrane (Central Tibet): evidence for metasomatism by slab-derived melts in the mantle wedge
Q Wang, DA Wyman, J Xu, Y Wan, C Li, F Zi, Z Jiang, H Qiu, Z Chu, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 155, 473-490, 2008
Partial melting of thickened or delaminated lower crust in the middle of eastern China: Implications for Cu-Au mineralization
Q Wang, DA Wyman, JF Xu, ZH Zhao, P Jian, F Zi
The Journal of Geology 115 (2), 149-161, 2007
Assembly of Archean cratonic mantle lithosphere and crust: plume–arc interaction in the Abitibi–Wawa subduction–accretion complex
DA Wyman, R Kerrich, A Polat
Precambrian Research 115 (1-4), 37-62, 2002
Geochemical diversity in oceanic komatiites and basalts from the late Archean Wawa greenstone belts, Superior Province, Canada: trace element and Nd isotope evidence for a …
A Polat, R Kerrich, DA Wyman
Precambrian Research 94 (3-4), 139-173, 1999
Boninite series: low Ti-tholeiite associations from the 2.7 Ga Abitibi greenstone belt
R Kerrich, D Wyman, J Fan, W Bleeker
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 164 (1-2), 303-316, 1998
Trace element systematics of Mg-, to Fe-tholeiitic basalt suites of the Superior Province: implications for Archean mantle reservoirs and greenstone belt genesis
R Kerrich, A Polat, D Wyman, P Hollings
Lithos 46 (1), 163-187, 1999
The late Archean Schreiber–Hemlo and White River–Dayohessarah greenstone belts, Superior Province: collages of oceanic plateaus, oceanic arcs, and subduction–accretion complexes
A Polat, R Kerrich, DA Wyman
Tectonophysics 289 (4), 295-326, 1998
Petrology, geochronology and geochemistry of ca. 780 Ma A-type granites in South China: petrogenesis and implications for crustal growth during the breakup of the …
Q Wang, DA Wyman, ZX Li, ZW Bao, ZH Zhao, YX Wang, P Jian, YH Yang, ...
Precambrian Research 178 (1-4), 185-208, 2010
Geochronology and geochemistry of Late Paleozoic magmatic rocks in the Lamasu–Dabate area, northwestern Tianshan (west China): evidence for a tectonic transition from arc to …
GJ Tang, Q Wang, DA Wyman, M Sun, ZX Li, ZH Zhao, WD Sun, XH Jia, ...
Lithos 119 (3-4), 393-411, 2010
Pliocene-Quaternary crustal melting in central and northern Tibet and insights into crustal flow
Q Wang, CJ Hawkesworth, D Wyman, SL Chung, FY Wu, XH Li, ZX Li, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 11888, 2016
Late Cretaceous (100–89 Ma) magnesian charnockites with adakitic affinities in the Milin area, eastern Gangdese: Partial melting of subducted oceanic crust and implications for …
L Ma, Q Wang, DA Wyman, ZX Li, ZQ Jiang, JH Yang, GN Gou, HF Guo
Lithos 175, 315-332, 2013
Asthenosphere–lithosphere interaction triggered by a slab window during ridge subduction: trace element and Sr–Nd–Hf–Os isotopic evidence from Late Carboniferous tholeiites in …
GJ Tang, DA Wyman, Q Wang, J Li, ZX Li, ZH Zhao, WD Sun
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 329, 84-96, 2012
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