An-Jui Li
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Cited by
Stability charts for rock slopes based on the Hoek–Brown failure criterion
AJ Li, RS Merifield, AV Lyamin
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 45 (5), 689-700, 2008
Seismic rock slope stability charts based on limit analysis methods
AJ Li, AV Lyamin, RS Merifield
Computers and Geotechnics 36 (1-2), 135-148, 2009
Effect of rock mass disturbance on the stability of rock slopes using the Hoek–Brown failure criterion
AJ Li, RS Merifield, AV Lyamin
Computers and Geotechnics 38 (4), 546-558, 2011
Three-dimensional stability charts for slopes based on limit analysis methods
AJ Li, RS Merifield, AV Lyamin
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 47 (12), 1316-1334, 2010
Limit analysis solutions for three dimensional undrained slopes
AJ Li, RS Merifield, AV Lyamin
Computers and Geotechnics 36 (8), 1330-1351, 2009
Parametric Monte Carlo studies of rock slopes based on the Hoek–Brown failure criterion
AJ Li, MJ Cassidy, Y Wang, RS Merifield, AV Lyamin
Computers and Geotechnics 45, 11-18, 2012
Slope stability charts for two-layered purely cohesive soils based on finite-element limit analysis methods
ZG Qian, AJ Li, RS Merifield, AV Lyamin
International Journal of Geomechanics 15 (3), 06014022, 2015
Three-dimensional slope stability assessment of two-layered undrained clay
K Lim, AJ Li, AV Lyamin
Computers and Geotechnics 70, 1-17, 2015
Investigation of dilatancy angle effects on slope stability using the 3D finite element method strength reduction technique
HD Lin, WC Wang, AJ Li
Computers and Geotechnics 118, 103295, 2020
Parametric studies of disturbed rock slope stability based on finite element limit analysis methods
ZG Qian, AJ Li, AV Lyamin, CC Wang
Computers and Geotechnics 81, 155-166, 2017
An artificial neural network approach to inhomogeneous soil slope stability predictions based on limit analysis methods
ZG Qian, AJ Li, WC Chen, AV Lyamin, JC Jiang
Soils and foundations 59 (2), 556-569, 2019
Rock slope stability analyses using extreme learning neural network and terminal steepest descent algorithm
AJ Li, S Khoo, AV Lyamin, Y Wang
Automation in Construction 65, 42-50, 2016
Slope-stability assessments using finite-element limit-analysis methods
K Lim, AJ Li, A Schmid, AV Lyamin
International Journal of Geomechanics 17 (2), 06016017, 2017
Three-dimensional slope stability charts for frictional fill materials placed on purely cohesive clay
K Lim, AV Lyamin, MJ Cassidy, AJ Li
International Journal of Geomechanics 16 (2), 04015042, 2016
Investigation of hydraulic fracture propagation using a post-peak control system coupled with acoustic emission
LH Chen, WC Chen, YC Chen, L Benyamin, AJ Li
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48, 1233-1248, 2015
Trench Stability under Bentonite Pressure in Purely Cohesive Clay
AJ Li, RS Merifield, HD Lin, AV Lyamin
International Journal of Geomechanics 14 (1), 151-157, 2014
FEM calibrated ARMAX model updating method for time domain damage identification
Y Wang, S Khoo, A Li, H Hao
Advances in Structural Engineering 16 (1), 51-60, 2013
Seismic slope stability evaluation considering rock mass disturbance varying in the slope
AJ Li, Z Qian, JC Jiang, A Lyamin
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 23, 1043-1054, 2019
Mean parametric monte carlo study of fill slopes
K Lim, MJ Cassidy, AJ Li, AV Lyamin
International Journal of Geomechanics 17 (4), 04016105, 2017
Investigations of unsaturated slopes subjected to rainfall infiltration using numerical approaches—A parametric study and comparative review
JW Mburu, AJ Li, HD Lin, CW Lu
Sustainability 14 (21), 14465, 2022
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