Jodi Death
Jodi Death
Associate Professor, School of Justice, Queensland University of Technology
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Cited by
Sticking with us through it all: The importance of trustworthy relationships for children and young people in residential care
T Moore, M McArthur, J Death, C Tilbury, S Roche
Children and youth services review 84, 68-75, 2018
Young people's views on safety and preventing abuse and harm in residential care:“It's got to be better than home”
T Moore, M McArthur, J Death, C Tilbury, S Roche
Children and Youth Services Review 81, 212-219, 2017
The Oxford handbook of gender, sex, and crime
R Gartner, B McCarthy
Oxford University Press, 2014
Safe and sound: Exploring the safety of young people in residential care
T Moore, M McArthur, J Death, S Roche, C Tilbury
Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, 2016
Bad apples, bad barrel: Exploring institutional responses to child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy in Australia
J Death
International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 4 (2), 94-110, 2015
Harm, responsibility, age, and consent
B Carpenter, E O’Brien, S Hayes, J Death
New Criminal Law Review 17 (1), 23-54, 2014
Brutal bullies and protective peers: How young people help or hinder each other’s safety in residential care
T Moore, M McArthur, J Death
Residential treatment for children & youth 37 (2), 108-135, 2020
Community-based approaches to sexual offender reintegration
K McCartan, J Death, K Richards
Research report, 2020
'They did not believe me': Adult survivors' perspectives of child sexual abuse by personnel in Christian institutions
J Death
Crime and Justice Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology, 2013
Compensating for sexual identity: How LGB and heterosexual Australian police officers perceive policing of LGBTIQ+ people
T Miles-Johnson, J Death
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 36 (2), 251-273, 2020
Governing child abuse voices and victimisation: The use of public inquiry into child sexual abuse in Christian institutions
J Death
Routledge, 2017
Identity, forgiveness and power in the management of child sexual abuse by personnel in Christian institutions
J Death
International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 2 (1), 82-97, 2013
Clergy sexual misconduct against adults in the Roman Catholic Church: The misuse of professional and spiritual power in the sexual abuse of adults
S De Weger, J Death
Journal for the academic study of religion 30 (3), 227-257, 2017
Feminist criminologies’ contribution to understandings of sex, gender, and crime
K Carrington, J Death
The Oxford handbook of gender, sex, and crime, 99, 2014
Toward redemption: Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander men’s narratives of desistance from sexual offending
K Richards, J Death, K McCartan
Victims & Offenders 15 (6), 810-833, 2020
Allegations of child sexual abuse in parenting disputes: An examination of judicial determinations in the Family Court of Australia
C Ferguson, S Wright, J Death, K Burgess, J Malouff
Journal of child custody 15 (2), 93-115, 2018
Parental alienation, coaching and the best interests of the child: Allegations of child sexual abuse in the Family Court of Australia
J Death, C Ferguson, K Burgess
Child abuse & neglect 94, 104045, 2019
What do victim/survivors of sexual violence think about Circles of Support and Accountability?
K Richards, J Death, C Ronken
Victims & Offenders 16 (6), 893-911, 2021
Lessons on sin and forgiveness: A crisis in the Roman Catholic Church
J Death
Catholics and Catholicism in contemporary Australia: Challenges and …, 2012
Child sexual abuse and the church
J Death
Religion, faith and crime: Theories, identities and issues, 191-210, 2016
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Articles 1–20