wangchun chen
wangchun chen
NIST, University of Maryland, Indiana University, University of Illinois
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Local Weak Ferromagnetism in Single-Crystalline Ferroelectric
M Ramazanoglu, M Laver, W Ratcliff, SM Watson, WC Chen, A Jackson, ...
Physical review letters 107 (20), 207206, 2011
Core-shell magnetic morphology of structurally uniform magnetite nanoparticles
KL Krycka, RA Booth, CR Hogg, Y Ijiri, JA Borchers, WC Chen, ...
Physical review letters 104 (20), 207203, 2010
Spin-exchange optical pumping of with Rb-K mixtures and pure K
WC Chen, TR Gentile, TG Walker, E Babcock
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (1), 013416, 2007
Limits to the Polarization for Spin-Exchange Optical Pumping of
E Babcock, B Chann, TG Walker, WC Chen, TR Gentile
Physical review letters 96 (8), 083003, 2006
Production of highly polarized 3He using spectrally narrowed diode laser array bars
B Chann, E Babcock, LW Anderson, TG Walker, WC Chen, TB Smith, ...
Journal of applied physics 94 (10), 6908-6914, 2003
Magnetostriction and magnetic heterogeneities in iron-gallium
M Laver, C Mudivarthi, JR Cullen, AB Flatau, WC Chen, SM Watson, ...
Physical review letters 105 (2), 027202, 2010
Coupled Magnetic and Ferroelectric Domains in Multiferroic
I Cabrera, M Kenzelmann, G Lawes, Y Chen, WC Chen, R Erwin, ...
Physical review letters 103 (8), 087201, 2009
Measurement of parity-violating -ray asymmetry in the capture of polarized cold neutrons on protons
MT Gericke, R Alarcon, S Balascuta, L Barron-Palos, C Blessinger, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 83 (1), 015505, 2011
A large area polarized 3He neutron spin filter
TE Chupp, KP Coulter, M Kandes, M Sharma, TB Smith, G Jones, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2007
Friedel-Like Oscillations from Interstitial Iron in Superconducting
V Thampy, J Kang, JA Rodriguez-Rivera, W Bao, AT Savici, J Hu, TJ Liu, ...
Physical review letters 108 (10), 107002, 2012
Spin stripe order in a square planar trilayer nickelate
J Zhang, DM Pajerowski, AS Botana, H Zheng, L Harriger, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (24), 247201, 2019
Higgs amplitude mode in a two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet near the quantum critical point
T Hong, M Matsumoto, Y Qiu, W Chen, TR Gentile, S Watson, FF Awwadi, ...
Nature Physics 13 (7), 638-642, 2017
Neutron Diffraction Investigations of Magnetism in BiFeO3 Epitaxial Films
W Ratcliff, D Kan, W Chen, S Watson, S Chi, R Erwin, GJ McIntyre, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (9), 1567-1574, 2011
Applications of 3He neutron spin filters at the NCNR
WC Chen, R Erwin, JW Mciver Iii, S Watson, CB Fu, TR Gentile, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 404 (17), 2663-2666, 2009
Antichiral spin order, its soft modes, and their hybridization with phonons in the topological semimetal
Y Chen, J Gaudet, S Dasgupta, GG Marcus, J Lin, T Chen, T Tomita, ...
Physical Review B 102 (5), 054403, 2020
Polarized 3He cell development and application at NIST
WC Chen, TR Gentile, CB Fu, S Watson, GL Jones, JW McIver, DR Rich
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 294 (1), 012003, 2011
Polarized 3He spin filters in neutron scattering
TR Gentile, E Babcock, JA Borchers, WC Chen, D Hussey, GL Jones, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 356 (1-4), 96-102, 2005
A new cold neutron imaging instrument at NIST
DS Hussey, C Brocker, JC Cook, DL Jacobson, TR Gentile, WC Chen, ...
Physics Procedia 69, 48-54, 2015
Generation and detection of spin-orbit coupled neutron beams
D Sarenac, C Kapahi, W Chen, CW Clark, DG Cory, MG Huber, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (41), 20328-20332, 2019
Resolving 3D magnetism in nanoparticles using polarization analyzed SANS
KL Krycka, R Booth, JA Borchers, WC Chen, C Conlon, TR Gentile, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 404 (17), 2561-2564, 2009
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Articles 1–20