Van R. Kane
Cited by
Cited by
Wildfire-driven forest conversion in western North American landscapes
JD Coop, SA Parks, CS Stevens-Rumann, SD Crausbay, PE Higuera, ...
BioScience 70 (8), 659-673, 2020
Climate, environment, and disturbance history govern resilience of western North American forests
PF Hessburg, CL Miller, SA Parks, NA Povak, AH Taylor, PE Higuera, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 239, 2019
Adapting western North American forests to climate change and wildfires: 10 common questions
SJ Prichard, PF Hessburg, RK Hagmann, NA Povak, SZ Dobrowski, ...
Ecological applications 31 (8), e02433, 2021
Comparisons between field-and LiDAR-based measures of stand structural complexity
VR Kane, RJ McGaughey, JD Bakker, RF Gersonde, JA Lutz, JF Franklin
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40 (4), 761-773, 2010
Water balance and topography predict fire and forest structure patterns
VR Kane, JA Lutz, CA Cansler, NA Povak, DJ Churchill, DF Smith, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 338, 1-13, 2015
Mixed severity fire effects within the Rim fire: Relative importance of local climate, fire weather, topography, and forest structure
VR Kane, CA Cansler, NA Povak, JT Kane, RJ McGaughey, JA Lutz, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 358, 62-79, 2015
Assessing fire effects on forest spatial structure using a fusion of Landsat and airborne LiDAR data in Yosemite National Park
VR Kane, MP North, JA Lutz, DJ Churchill, SL Roberts, DF Smith, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 151, 89–101, 2014
Evidence of fuels management and fire weather influencing fire severity in an extreme fire event
JM Lydersen, BM Collins, ML Brooks, JR Matchett, KL Shive, NA Povak, ...
Ecological Applications 27 (7), 2013-2030, 2017
Landscape-scale effects of fire severity on mixed-conifer and red fir forest structure in Yosemite National Park
VR Kane, JA Lutz, SL Roberts, DF Smith, RJ McGaughey, NA Povak, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 287, 17-31, 2013
Examining conifer canopy structural complexity across forest ages and elevations with LiDAR data
VR Kane, JD Bakker, RJ McGaughey, JA Lutz, RF Gersonde, JF Franklin
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40 (4), 774-787, 2010
Applying LiDAR individual tree detection to management of structurally diverse forest landscapes
SMA Jeronimo, VR Kane, DJ Churchill, RJ McGaughey, JF Franklin
Journal of Forestry 116 (4), 336-346, 2018
Cover of tall trees best predicts California spotted owl habitat
MP North, JT Kane, VR Kane, GP Asner, W Berigan, DJ Churchill, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 405, 166-178, 2017
Interpretation and topographic compensation of conifer canopy self-shadowing
VR Kane, AR Gillespie, R McGaughey, JA Lutz, K Ceder, JF Franklin
Remote sensing of Environment 112 (10), 3820-3832, 2008
An empirical, integrated forest biomass monitoring system
RE Kennedy, J Ohmann, M Gregory, H Roberts, Z Yang, DM Bell, V Kane, ...
Environmental Research Letters 13 (2), 025004, 2018
Patch dynamics and the development of structural and spatial heterogeneity in Pacific Northwest forests
VR Kane, RF Gersonde, JA Lutz, RJ McGaughey, JD Bakker, JF Franklin
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (12), 2276-2291, 2011
Previous wildfires and management treatments moderate subsequent fire severity
CA Cansler, VR Kane, PF Hessburg, JT Kane, SMA Jeronimo, JA Lutz, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 504, 119764, 2022
A carbon monitoring system for mapping regional, annual aboveground biomass across the northwestern USA
AT Hudak, PA Fekety, VR Kane, RE Kennedy, SK Filippelli, MJ Falkowski, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (9), 095003, 2020
Forest structure and pattern vary by climate and landform across active-fire landscapes in the montane Sierra Nevada
SMA Jeronimo, VR Kane, DJ Churchill, JA Lutz, MP North, GP Asner, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 437, 70-86, 2019
First-entry wildfires can create opening and tree clump patterns characteristic of resilient forests
VR Kane, BN Bartl-Geller, MP North, JT Kane, JM Lydersen, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 454, 117659, 2019
Multi-scaled drivers of severity patterns vary across land ownerships for the 2013 Rim Fire, California
NA Povak, VR Kane, BM Collins, JM Lydersen, JT Kane
Landscape Ecology 35, 293-318, 2020
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Articles 1–20