Diana McCarthy
Diana McCarthy
Affiliated Lecturer, DTAL University of Cambridge
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Finding predominant word senses in untagged text
D McCarthy, R Koeling, J Weeds, JA Carroll
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2004
Characterising measures of lexical distributional similarity
J Weeds, D Weir, D McCarthy
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th international conference on …, 2004
Semeval-2007 task 10: English lexical substitution task
D McCarthy, R Navigli
Proceedings of the fourth international workshop on semantic evaluations …, 2007
Detecting a continuum of compositionality in phrasal verbs
D McCarthy, B Keller, JA Carroll
Proceedings of the ACL 2003 workshop on Multiword expressions: analysis …, 2003
Disambiguating nouns, verbs, and adjectives using automatically acquired selectional preferences
D McCarthy, J Carroll
Computational Linguistics 29 (4), 639-654, 2003
An empirical study on compositionality in compound nouns
S Reddy, D McCarthy, S Manandhar
Proceedings of 5th international joint conference on natural language …, 2011
The English lexical substitution task
D McCarthy, R Navigli
Language resources and evaluation 43, 139-159, 2009
Word sense induction for novel sense detection
JH Lau, P Cook, D McCarthy, D Newman, T Baldwin
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2012
Unsupervised acquisition of predominant word senses
D McCarthy, R Koeling, J Weeds, J Carroll
Computational Linguistics 33 (4), 553-590, 2007
Lexical acquisition at the syntax-semantics interface: diathesis alternations, subcategorization frames and selectional preferences
D McCarthy
University of Sussex, 2001
Corpus linguistics: Readings in a widening discipline
G Sampson, D McCarthy
A&C Black, 2005
Measuring word meaning in context
K Erk, D McCarthy, N Gaylord
Computational Linguistics 39 (3), 511-554, 2013
Using semantic preferences to identify verbal participation in role switching alternations
D McCarthy
1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for …, 2000
Investigations on word senses and word usages
K Erk, D McCarthy, N Gaylord
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL …, 2009
Domain-specific sense distributions and predominant sense acquisition
R Koeling, D McCarthy, JA Carroll
Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on …, 2005
GDEX for Slovene
I Kosem, M Husák, D McCarthy
Proceedings of eLex, 151-159, 2011
Semeval-2010 task 2: Cross-lingual lexical substitution
R Mihalcea, R Sinha, D McCarthy
Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on semantic evaluation, 9-14, 2010
Word sense disambiguation: An overview
D McCarthy
Language and Linguistics compass 3 (2), 537-558, 2009
Inference processing in children: The contributions of depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge
J Oakhill, K Cain, D McCarthy
Inferences during reading, 140-159, 2015
Fast syntactic searching in very large corpora for many languages
M Jakubíček, A Kilgarriff, D McCarthy, P Rychlý
Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and …, 2010
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Articles 1–20