Yvette Slaughter
Cited by
Cited by
Second languages and Australian schooling
J Lo Bianco, Y Slaughter
ACER, 2009
Challenging the monolingual mindset
J Hajek, Y Slaughter
Multilingual Matters, 2014
Language policy and education in Australia
J Lo Bianco, Y Slaughter
Language Policy and Political Issues in Education 1, 449-461, 2017
Challenging the monolingual mindset: Understanding plurilingual pedagogies in English as an Additional Language (EAL) classrooms
Y Slaughter, R Cross
Language Teaching Research 25 (1), 39-60, 2021
Money and policy make languages go round: language programs in Australia after NALSAS.[National Asian Languages and Studies Strategy in Australian Schools.]
Y Slaughter
Babel 43 (2), 4-11, 2009
The rise and fall of Indonesian in Australian schools: Implications for language policy and planning
Y Slaughter
Asian Studies Review 31 (3), 301-322, 2007
Challenging discourses of deficit: Understanding the vibrancy and complexity of multilingualism through language trajectory grids
J Choi, Y Slaughter
Language Teaching Research 25 (1), 81-104, 2021
Plurilingualism and language and literacy education
R Cross, J D’warte, Y Slaughter
The Australian journal of language and literacy 45 (3), 341-357, 2022
Mainstreaming of Italian in Australian schools: The paradox of success?
Y Slaughter, J Hajek
Challenging the Monolingual Mindset, 182-198, 2015
The study of Asian languages in two Australian states: Considerations for language-in-education policy and planning
Y Slaughter
University of Melbourne, School of Languages and Linguistics, 2007
Bilingual education in Australia
J Lo Bianco, Y Slaughter
Bilingual and multilingual education, 347-360, 2017
Videoconferencing and the networked provision of language programs in regional and rural schools
Y Slaughter, W Smith, J Hajek
ReCALL 31 (2), 204-217, 2019
Community languages and LOTE provision in Victorian primary schools: Mix or match?
Y Slaughter, J Hajek
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 30 (1), 7.1-7.22, 2007
Recognizing diversity: The incipient role of intercultural education in Thailand
J Lo Bianco, Y Slaughter
Learning from difference: Comparative accounts of multicultural education …, 2016
Language teaching and learning: Choice, pedagogy, rationale and goals
Y Slaughter, J Lo Bianco
Babel 44 (1), 24-35, 2009
Language programming in rural and regional Victoria: Making space for local viewpoints in policy development
Y Slaughter, J Lo Bianco, R Aliani, R Cross, J Hajek
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 42 (3), 274-300, 2019
Bringing Asia to the home front: The Australian experience of Asian Language Education through national policy
Y Slaughter
Uniformity and Diversity in Language Policy: Global Perspectives, 157-173, 2011
The Australian Asia Project
J Lo Bianco, Y Slaughter
Communicating with Asia, 296-312, 2016
Introduction: Reframing language in teaching and learning: Leveraging students’ meaning-making repertoires
J D’warte, Y Slaughter
Language Teaching Research 25 (1), 5-11, 2021
The role of membership viewpoints in shaping language teacher associations: AQ methodology analysis
Y Slaughter, G Bonar, A Keary
TESOL Quarterly 56 (1), 281-307, 2022
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Articles 1–20