Elaine Jing Zhao
Cited by
Cited by
Renegades on the frontier of innovation: The shanzhai grassroots communities of Shenzhen in China's creative economy
M Keane, EJ Zhao
Eurasian Geography and Economics 53 (2), 216-230, 2012
Between formal and informal: The shakeout in China’s online video industry
EJ Zhao, M Keane
Media, Culture & Society 35 (6), 724-741, 2013
Digital China's informal circuits: Platforms, labour and governance
EJ Zhao
Routledge, 2019
Chinas digital presence in the asia-pacific: Culture, technology and platforms
M Keane, H Yu, EJ Zhao, S Leong
Anthem Press, 2020
Professionalization of amateur production in online screen entertainment in China: Hopes, frustrations and uncertainties
EJ Zhao
International Journal of Communication, 2017
The reform of the cultural system: Culture, creativity and innovation in China
M Keane, EJ Zhao
Cultural policies in East Asia: dynamics between the state, arts and …, 2014
Writing on the assembly line: Informal labour in the formalised online literature market in China
EJ Zhao
New Media & Society 19 (8), 1236-1252, 2017
The bumpy road towards network convergence in China: The case of over-the-top streaming services
EJ Zhao
Global Media and China 2 (1), 28-42, 2017
Social network market: Storytelling on a Web 2.0 original literature site
EJ Zhao
Convergence 17 (1), 85-99, 2011
Negotiating state and copyright territorialities in overseas expansion: The case of China’s online video streaming platforms
EJ Zhao
Media Industries Journal 5 (1), 106-121, 2018
The micro-movie wave in a globalising China: Adaptation, formalisation and commercialisation
EJ Zhao
International Journal of Cultural Studies 17 (5), 453-467, 2014
Collaboration reconfigured: The evolving landscape of entertainment TV markets between Taiwan and Mainland China
EJ Zhao
Media International Australia 159 (1), 53-62, 2016
Reconfiguring audience measurement in platform ecologies of video streaming: iQiyi’s pivot toward data-driven fandom and algorithmic metrics
EJ Zhao
International Journal of Communication 15, 21, 2021
The cultural power metric: Toward a reputational analysis of China’s soft power in the Asia-Pacific
B Yecies, M Keane, H Yu, EJ Zhao, PY Zhong, S Leong, H Wu
Global Media and China 4 (2), 203-219, 2019
Wanghong: Liminal Chinese Creative Labor
EJ Zhao
Creator Culture: An Introduction to Global Social Media Entertainment, 211-231, 2021
TV or not TV? Re-imagining screen content in China
M Keane, EJ Zhao
Routledge Handbook of New Media in Asia,, 299 - 307, 2015
Getting connected in China: Taming the mobile screen
EJ Zhao
Handbook of Cultural and Creative Industries in China, 396-411, 2016
Designing a mobile social tool that moderates drinking
D Tjondronegoro, J Drennan, DJ Kavanagh, EJ Zhao, AM White, J Previte, ...
IEEE Pervasive Computing 14 (3), 62-69, 2015
Cross-straits online collaboration: Multiple publics and intractable institutions
EJ Zhao
Willing collaborators: foreign partners in Chinese media, 187-198, 2018
Beyond the Game of Cat and Mouse: Challenges of Discoverability and Piracy in the Mobile Gaming Market
EJ Zhao
Global Game Industries and Cultural Policy, 253-270, 2016
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Articles 1–20