ivan Chambouleyron
ivan Chambouleyron
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Estimation of the optical constants and the thickness of thin films using unconstrained optimization
EG Birgin, I Chambouleyron, JM Martınez
Journal of Computational Physics 151 (2), 862-880, 1999
Absorption edge, band tails, and disorder of amorphous semiconductors
AR Zanatta, I Chambouleyron
Physical Review B 53 (7), 3833, 1996
Determination of thickness and optical constants of amorphous silicon films from transmittance data
M Mulato, I Chambouleyron, EG Birgin, JM Martınez
Applied Physics Letters 77 (14), 2133-2135, 2000
Retrieval of optical constants and thickness of thin films from transmission spectra
I Chambouleyron, JM Martinez, AC Moretti, M Mulato
Applied Optics 36 (31), 8238-8247, 1997
Optical constants and thickness determination of very thin amorphous semiconductor films
I Chambouleyron, SD Ventura, EG Birgin, JM Martínez
Journal of Applied Physics 92 (6), 3093-3102, 2002
Nitrogen in germanium
I Chambouleyron, AR Zanatta
Journal of applied physics 84 (1), 1-30, 1998
Low-temperature Al-induced crystallization of amorphous Ge
AR Zanatta, I Chambouleyron
Journal of applied physics 97 (9), 2005
Optimization techniques for the estimation of the thickness and the optical parameters of thin films using reflectance data
SD Ventura, EG Birgin, JM Martinez, I Chambouleyron
Journal of Applied Physics 97 (4), 2005
Laser crystallization and structuring of amorphous germanium
M Mulato, D Toet, G Aichmayr, PV Santos, I Chambouleyron
Applied physics letters 70 (26), 3570-3572, 1997
Aluminum-induced crystallization of hydrogenated amorphous germanium thin films
I Chambouleyron, F Fajardo, AR Zanatta
Applied Physics Letters 79 (20), 3233-3235, 2001
Nitrogen in the amorphous-germanium network: From high dilution to the alloy phase
AR Zanatta, I Chambouleyron
Physical Review B 48 (7), 4560, 1993
Highly conductive and transparent amorphous tin oxide
D Jousse, C Constantino, I Chambouleyron
Journal of applied physics 54 (1), 431-434, 1983
Properties of chemically sprayed SnO2 antireflecting films on Si solar cells
I Chambouleyron, E Saucedo
Solar Energy Materials 1 (3-4), 299-311, 1979
Exponential absorption edge and disorder in Column IV amorphous semiconductors
AR Zanatta, M Mulato, I Chambouleyron
Journal of Applied Physics 84 (9), 5184-5190, 1998
Transport properties of nitrogen-doped hydrogenated amorphous germanium films
AR Zanatta, I Chambouleyron
Physical Review B 46 (4), 2119, 1992
Optical properties of dielectric and semiconductor thin films
I Chambouleyron, JM Martínez
Handbook of Thin Films, 593-622, 2002
Direct evidence of porosity in carbon‐rich hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide films
R Arce, RR Koropecki, RH Buitrago, F Alvarez, I Chambouleyron
Journal of applied physics 66 (9), 4544-4546, 1989
Metal-induced nanocrystalline structures in Ni-containing amorphous silicon thin films
FA Ferri, AR Zanatta, I Chambouleyron
Journal of applied physics 100 (9), 2006
Optical constants of thin films by means of a pointwise constrained optimization approach
I Chambouleyron, JM Martınez, AC Moretti, M Mulato
Thin Solid Films 317 (1-2), 133-136, 1998
Local order in hydrogenated amorphous germanium thin films studied by extended x-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy
G Dalba, P Fornasini, R Grisenti, F Rocca, I Chambouleyron, CFO Graeff
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9 (27), 5875, 1997
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