Rebecca Doble
Rebecca Doble
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Current and emerging methods for catchment-scale modelling of recharge and evapotranspiration from shallow groundwater
RC Doble, RS Crosbie
Hydrogeology journal 25 (1), 3, 2017
An analysis of river bank slope and unsaturated flow effects on bank storage
R Doble, P Brunner, J McCallum, PG Cook
Groundwater 50 (1), 77-86, 2012
Spatial relationships between vegetation cover and irrigation-induced groundwater discharge on a semi-arid floodplain, Australia
R Doble, C Simmons, I Jolly, G Walker
Journal of Hydrology 329 (1-2), 75-97, 2006
Groundwater recharge prediction using linear regression, multi-layer perception network, and deep learning
X Huang, L Gao, RS Crosbie, N Zhang, G Fu, R Doble
Water 11 (9), 1879, 2019
Groundwater recharge from overbank floods
RC Doble, RS Crosbie, BD Smerdon, L Peeters, FJ Cook
Water Resources Research 48 (9), 2012
Deep learning emulators for groundwater contaminant transport modelling
X Yu, T Cui, J Sreekanth, S Mangeon, R Doble, P Xin, D Rassam, ...
Journal of Hydrology 590, 125351, 2020
Constraining the magnitude and uncertainty of specific yield for use in the water table fluctuation method of estimating recharge
RS Crosbie, RC Doble, C Turnadge, AR Taylor
Water Resources Research 55 (8), 7343-7361, 2019
Opportunity for peri-urban Perth groundwater trade
L Gao, J Connor, R Doble, R Ali, D McFarlane
Journal of Hydrology 496, 89-99, 2013
Emulation of recharge and evapotranspiration processes in shallow groundwater systems
RC Doble, T Pickett, RS Crosbie, LK Morgan, C Turnadge, PJ Davies
Journal of hydrology 555, 894-908, 2017
Modelling overbank flood recharge at a continental scale
R Doble, R Crosbie, L Peeters, K Joehnk, C Ticehurst
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (4), 1273-1288, 2014
Surface water–groundwater interactions in the lower Fitzroy River, Western Australia
G Harrington, L Stelfox, WP Gardner, P Davies, R Doble, PG Cook
CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship, 2011
Using MODFLOW 2000 to model ET and recharge for shallow ground water problems
RC Doble, CT Simmons, GR Walker
Groundwater 47 (1), 129-135, 2009
Conceptual evaluation of continental land-surface model behaviour
LJM Peeters, RS Crosbie, RC Doble, AIJM Van Dijk
Environmental modelling & software 43, 49-59, 2013
Well failure mechanisms and conceptualisation of reservoir-aquifer failure pathways
B Wu, R Doble, C Turnadge, D Mallants
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-182460-MS, 2016
The combined use of air, ground and ‘in river’electromagnetics in defining spatial processes of salinisation across ecologically important floodplain areas: Lower River Murray, SA
T Munday, A Fitzpatrick, R Doble, V Berens, M Hatch, K Cahill
Regolith 2006: Consolidation and dispersion of ideas, 249-255, 2006
Fate and transport modelling framework for assessing risks to soil and groundwater from chemicals accidentally released during surface operations: An Australian example …
D Mallants, R Doble, Y Beiraghdar
Journal of Hydrology 604, 127271, 2022
Feasibility of improving groundwater modeling by assimilating evapotranspiration rates
S Gelsinari, R Doble, E Daly, VRN Pauwels
Water Resources Research 56 (2), e2019WR025983, 2020
Bore and well induced inter-aquifer connectivity: A review of literature on failure mechanisms and conceptualisation of hydrocarbon reservoir-aquifer failure pathways
B Wu, R Doble, C Turnadge, D Mallants
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: CSIRO 10 (08), 2016
The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world (HELPING)
B Arheimer, C Cudennec, A Castellarin, S Grimaldi, KV Heal, C Lupton, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 69 (11), 1417-1435, 2024
Groundwater Recharge Prediction Using Linear Regression, Multi-Layer Perception Network, and Deep Learning, Water, 11, 1879
X Huang, L Gao, RS Crosbie, N Zhang, G Fu, R Doble
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