David P. Wilkinson
David P. Wilkinson
Other namesDavid Wilkinson, David Peter Wilkinson
School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences, The University of Melbourne
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Cited by
A comparison of joint species distribution models for presence–absence data
DP Wilkinson, N Golding, G Guillera‐Arroita, R Tingley, MA McCarthy
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (2), 198-211, 2019
The conservation impacts of ecological disturbance: Time‐bound estimates of population loss and recovery for fauna affected by the 2019–2020 Australian megafires
S Legge, L Rumpff, JCZ Woinarski, NS Whiterod, M Ward, DG Southwell, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 31 (10), 2085-2104, 2022
Towards open, reliable, and transparent ecology and evolutionary biology
RE O’Dea, TH Parker, YE Chee, A Culina, SM Drobniak, DH Duncan, ...
BMC biology 19 (1), 68, 2021
Defining and evaluating predictions of joint species distribution models
DP Wilkinson, N Golding, G Guillera‐Arroita, R Tingley, MA McCarthy
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12 (3), 394-404, 2021
Systematizing confidence in open research and evidence (score)
N Alipourfard, B Arendt, DM Benjamin, N Benkler, M Bishop, M Burstein, ...
SocArXiv, 2021
Method Reporting with Initials for Transparency (MeRIT) promotes more granularity and accountability for author contributions
S Nakagawa, ER Ivimey-Cook, MJ Grainger, RE O’Dea, S Burke, ...
nature communications 14 (1), 1788, 2023
Mathematically aggregating experts’ predictions of possible futures
AM Hanea, DP Wilkinson, M McBride, A Lyon, D van Ravenzwaaij, ...
PLoS one 16 (9), e0256919, 2021
Arctic marine forest distribution models showcase potentially severe habitat losses for cryophilic species under climate change
TT Bringloe, DP Wilkinson, J Goldsmit, AM Savoie, K Filbee‐Dexter, ...
Global Change Biology 28 (11), 3711-3727, 2022
Predicting reliability through structured expert elicitation with the repliCATS (Collaborative Assessments for Trustworthy Science) process
H Fraser, M Bush, BC Wintle, F Mody, ET Smith, AM Hanea, E Gould, ...
Plos one 18 (1), e0274429, 2023
Estimates of the impacts of the 2019-20 fires on populations of native animal species
SM Legge, JCZ Woinarski, ST Garnett, HM Geyle, M Lintermans, ...
Threatened Species Recovery Hub, 2021
Fine-scale roadkill risk models: understanding the intersection of wildlife and roads
K Chyn, TE Lin, DP Wilkinson, JL Tracy, AM Lawing, LA Fitzgerald
Biodiversity and Conservation 30 (1), 139-164, 2021
Recent global model underestimates the true extent of Arctic kelp habitat
S Starko, DP Wilkinson, TT Bringloe
Biological Conservation 257, 109082, 2021
Predicting and reasoning about replicability using structured groups
BC Wintle, ET Smith, M Bush, F Mody, DP Wilkinson, AM Hanea, ...
Royal Society Open Science 10 (6), 221553, 2023
Integrating species metrics into biodiversity offsetting calculations to improve long‐term persistence
E Marshall, C Visintin, R Valavi, DP Wilkinson, D Southwell, B Wintle, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2022
Design considerations for post natural disaster (fire) on-ground assessment of status of species, ecological communities, habitats and threats
D Southwell, A Hao, A Smart, R Valavi, D Wilkinson, B Wintle
University of Melbourne, 2020
Eliciting group judgements about replicability: a technical implementation of the IDEA Protocol
ER Pearson, H Fraser, M Bush, F Mody, I Widjaja, A Head, DP Wilkinson, ...
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2021, 461-470, 2021
A gap analysis of reconnaissance surveys assessing the impact of the 2019–20 wildfires on vertebrates in Australia
D Southwell, D Wilkinson, T Hao, R Valavi, A Smart, B Wintle
Biological Conservation 270, 109573, 2022
Computationally reproducing results from meta-analyses in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology using shared code and data
S Kambouris, DP Wilkinson, ET Smith, F Fidler
Plos one 19 (3), e0300333, 2024
Using model-based predictions to inform the mathematical aggregation of human-based predictions of replicability
E Gould, A Willcox, H Fraser, FS Thorn, DP Wilkinson
OSF, 2021
aggreCAT: An R Package for Mathematically Aggregating Expert Judgments
E Gould, CT Gray, A Willcox, RE O'Dea, R Groenewegen, DP Wilkinson
OSF, 2021
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Articles 1–20