Smart cities with big data: Reference models, challenges, and considerations C Lim, KJ Kim, PP Maglio Cities 82, 86-99, 2018 | 564 | 2018 |
Determination of an optimal set of design requirements using house of quality T Park, KJ Kim Journal of operations management 16 (5), 569-581, 1998 | 448 | 1998 |
Fuzzy multicriteria models for quality function deployment KJ Kim, H Moskowitz, A Dhingra, G Evans European Journal of Operational Research 121 (3), 504-518, 2000 | 379 | 2000 |
Simultaneous optimization of mechanical properties of steel by maximizing exponential desirability functions KJ Kim, DKJ Lin Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 49 …, 2000 | 354 | 2000 |
Evaluation of product usability: development and validation of usability dimensions and design elements based on empirical models SH Han, MH Yun, KJ Kim, J Kwahk International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 26 (4), 477-488, 2000 | 349 | 2000 |
From data to value: A nine-factor framework for data-based value creation in information-intensive services C Lim, KH Kim, MJ Kim, JY Heo, KJ Kim, PP Maglio International journal of information management 39, 121-135, 2018 | 291 | 2018 |
An interactive desirability function method to multiresponse optimization IJ Jeong, KJ Kim European Journal of Operational Research 195 (2), 412-426, 2009 | 290 | 2009 |
Dual response surface optimization: a fuzzy modeling approach KJ Kim, DKJ Lin Journal of Quality Technology 30 (1), 1-10, 1998 | 287 | 1998 |
Fuzzy versus statistical linear regression KJ Kim, H Moskowitz, M Koksalan European Journal of Operational Research 92 (2), 417-434, 1996 | 253 | 1996 |
Identifying mobile phone design features critical to user satisfaction SH Han, KJ Kim, MH Yun, SW Hong, J Kim Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 14 (1), 15-29, 2004 | 238 | 2004 |
A new loss function-based method for multiresponse optimization YH Ko, KJ Kim, CH Jun Journal of Quality Technology 37 (1), 50-59, 2005 | 226 | 2005 |
QFD optimizer: a novice friendly quality function deployment decision support system for optimizing product designs H Moskowitz, KJ Kim Computers & Industrial Engineering 32 (3), 641-655, 1997 | 217 | 1997 |
The impact of network service performance on customer satisfaction and loyalty: High-speed internet service case in Korea KJ Kim, IJ Jeong, JC Park, YJ Park, CG Kim, TH Kim Expert Systems with Applications 32 (3), 822-831, 2007 | 216 | 2007 |
On assessing the H value in fuzzy linear regression H Moskowitz, K Kim Fuzzy sets and systems 58 (3), 303-327, 1993 | 174 | 1993 |
Optimization of multiple responses considering both location and dispersion effects KJ Kim, DKJ Lin European Journal of Operational Research 169 (1), 133-145, 2006 | 156 | 2006 |
Identification of critical quality dimensions for continuance intention in mHealth services: Case study of onecare service KH Kim, KJ Kim, DH Lee, MG Kim International Journal of Information Management 46, 187-197, 2019 | 155 | 2019 |
PSS Board: a structured tool for product–service system process visualization CH Lim, KJ Kim, YS Hong, K Park Journal of Cleaner Production 37, 42-53, 2012 | 142 | 2012 |
Development of customer satisfaction models for automotive interior materials H You, T Ryu, K Oh, MH Yun, KJ Kim International journal of industrial ergonomics 36 (4), 323-330, 2006 | 139 | 2006 |
Designing of variables repetitive group sampling plan involving minimum average sample number S Balamurali, H Park, CH Jun, KJ Kim, J Lee Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 34 (3), 799-809, 2005 | 111 | 2005 |
Using data to advance service: managerial issues and theoretical implications from action research C Lim, MJ Kim, KH Kim, KJ Kim, PP Maglio Journal of Service Theory and Practice 28 (1), 99-128, 2018 | 104 | 2018 |