Dechan Angmo
Cited by
Cited by
Roll-to-roll fabrication of polymer solar cells
R Søndergaard, M Hösel, D Angmo, TT Larsen-Olsen, FC Krebs
Materials today 15 (1-2), 36-49, 2012
Solar cells with one-day energy payback for the factories of the future
N Espinosa, M Hösel, D Angmo, FC Krebs
Energy & Environmental Science 5 (1), 5117-5132, 2012
Upscaling of perovskite solar cells: fully ambient roll processing of flexible perovskite solar cells with printed back electrodes
TM Schmidt, TT Larsen‐Olsen, JE Carlé, D Angmo, FC Krebs
Advanced Energy Materials 5 (15), 1500569, 2015
One-step roll-to-roll air processed high efficiency perovskite solar cells
C Zuo, D Vak, D Angmo, L Ding, M Gao
Nano Energy 46, 185-192, 2018
Roll‐to‐roll inkjet printing and photonic sintering of electrodes for ITO free polymer solar cell modules and facile product integration
D Angmo, TT Larsen‐Olsen, M Jørgensen, RR Søndergaard, FC Krebs
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (2), 172-175, 2013
ITO-free flexible polymer solar cells: from small model devices to roll-to-roll processed large modules
M Manceau, D Angmo, M Jørgensen, FC Krebs
Organic Electronics 12 (4), 566-574, 2011
Silver front electrode grids for ITO-free all printed polymer solar cells with embedded and raised topographies, prepared by thermal imprint, flexographic and inkjet roll-to …
JS Yu, I Kim, JS Kim, J Jo, TT Larsen-Olsen, RR Søndergaard, M Hösel, ...
Nanoscale 4 (19), 6032-6040, 2012
Flexible ITO‐free polymer solar cells
D Angmo, FC Krebs
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 129 (1), 1-14, 2013
Perovskite and organic solar cells fabricated by inkjet printing: progress and prospects
X Peng, J Yuan, S Shen, M Gao, ASR Chesman, H Yin, J Cheng, Q Zhang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (41), 1703704, 2017
Life cycle assessment of ITO-free flexible polymer solar cells prepared by roll-to-roll coating and printing
N Espinosa, R García-Valverde, A Urbina, F Lenzmann, M Manceau, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 97, 3-13, 2012
Self‐assembled 2D perovskite layers for efficient printable solar cells
C Zuo, AD Scully, D Vak, W Tan, X Jiao, CR McNeill, D Angmo, L Ding, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (4), 1803258, 2019
Scalability and stability of very thin, roll-to-roll processed, large area, indium-tin-oxide free polymer solar cell modules
D Angmo, SA Gevorgyan, TT Larsen-Olsen, RR Søndergaard, M Hösel, ...
Organic Electronics 14 (3), 984-994, 2013
Comparison of fast roll-to-roll flexographic, inkjet, flatbed, and rotary screen printing of metal back electrodes for polymer solar cells.
M Hösel, RR Søndergaard, D Angmo, FC Krebs
Advanced engineering materials 15 (10), 2013
Roll‐to‐roll printed silver nanowire semitransparent electrodes for fully ambient solution‐processed tandem polymer solar cells
D Angmo, TR Andersen, JJ Bentzen, M Helgesen, RR Søndergaard, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (28), 4539-4547, 2015
OPV for mobile applications: an evaluation of roll-to-roll processed indium and silver free polymer solar cells through analysis of life cycle, cost and layer quality using …
N Espinosa, FO Lenzmann, S Ryley, D Angmo, M Hösel, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (24), 7037-7049, 2013
Printing-friendly sequential deposition via intra-additive approach for roll-to-roll process of perovskite solar cells
YJ Heo, JE Kim, H Weerasinghe, D Angmo, T Qin, K Sears, K Hwang, ...
Nano Energy 41, 443-451, 2017
All solution processing of ITO-free organic solar cell modules directly on barrier foil
D Angmo, M Hösel, FC Krebs
Solar energy materials and solar cells 107, 329-336, 2012
High‐volume processed, ITO‐free superstrates and substrates for roll‐to‐roll development of organic electronics
M Hösel, D Angmo, RR Søndergaard, GA dos Reis Benatto, JE Carlé, ...
Advanced science 1 (1), 1400002, 2014
Solution processed large area fabrication of Ag patterns as electrodes for flexible heaters, electrochromics and organic solar cells
R Gupta, S Walia, M Hösel, J Jensen, D Angmo, FC Krebs, GU Kulkarni
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (28), 10930-10937, 2014
Over 2 years of outdoor operational and storage stability of ITO‐free, fully roll‐to‐roll fabricated polymer solar cell modules
D Angmo, FC Krebs
Energy Technology 3 (7), 774-783, 2015
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Articles 1–20