chi yao
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Cited by
Modelling of spatial variability of soil undrained shear strength by conditional random fields for slope reliability analysis
SH Jiang, J Huang, F Huang, J Yang, C Yao, CB Zhou
Applied Mathematical Modelling 63, 374-389, 2018
2D numerical analysis of rock damage induced by dynamic in-situ stress redistribution and blast loading in underground blasting excavation
JH Yang, C Yao, QH Jiang, WB Lu, SH Jiang
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70, 221-232, 2017
Uncertainty pattern in landslide susceptibility prediction modelling: Effects of different landslide boundaries and spatial shape expressions
F Huang, J Yan, X Fan, C Yao, J Huang, W Chen, H Hong
Geoscience Frontiers 13 (2), 101317, 2022
Landslide susceptibility assessment in the Nantian area of China: a comparison of frequency ratio model and support vector machine
F Huang, C Yao, W Liu, Y Li, X Liu
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 9 (1), 919-938, 2018
Frequency comparison of blast-induced vibration per delay for the full-face millisecond delay blasting in underground opening excavation
JH Yang, WB Lu, QH Jiang, C Yao, CB Zhou
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 51, 189-201, 2016
A study on the vibration frequency of blasting excavation in highly stressed rock masses
J Yang, W Lu, Q Jiang, C Yao, S Jiang, L Tian
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49, 2825-2843, 2016
Estimation of rock mass properties in excavation damage zones of rock slopes based on the Hoek-Brown criterion and acoustic testing
J Yang, J Dai, C Yao, S Jiang, C Zhou, Q Jiang
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 126, 104192, 2020
Numerical simulation of damage and failure in brittle rocks using a modified rigid block spring method
C Yao, QH Jiang, JF Shao
Computers and Geotechnics 64, 48-60, 2015
Uncertainties of landslide susceptibility prediction considering different landslide types
F Huang, H Xiong, C Yao, F Catani, C Zhou, J Huang
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15 (11), 2954-2972, 2023
Landslide susceptibility prediction considering regional soil erosion based on machine-learning models
F Huang, J Chen, Z Du, C Yao, J Huang, Q Jiang, Z Chang, S Li
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9 (6), 377, 2020
Comparative study of tunnel blast-induced vibration on tunnel surfaces and inside surrounding rock
J Yang, J Cai, C Yao, P Li, Q Jiang, C Zhou
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 52, 4747-4761, 2019
Seepage flow with free surface in fracture networks
Q Jiang, C Yao, Z Ye, C Zhou
Water resources research 49 (1), 176-186, 2013
Effects of fracture density, roughness, and percolation of fracture network on heat-flow coupling in hot rock masses with embedded three-dimensional fracture network
C Yao, Y Shao, J Yang, F Huang, C He, Q Jiang, C Zhou
Geothermics 87, 101846, 2020
A discrete approach for modeling damage and failure in anisotropic cohesive brittle materials
C Yao, QH Jiang, JF Shao, CB Zhou
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 155, 102-118, 2016
Influence of asperity morphology on failure characteristics and shear strength properties of rock joints under direct shear tests
X Zhang, Q Jiang, P Kulatilake, F Xiong, C Yao, Z Tang
International Journal of Geomechanics 19 (2), 04018196, 2019
Numerical study of excavation induced fractures using an extended rigid block spring method
C Yao, JF Shao, QH Jiang, CB Zhou
Computers and Geotechnics 85, 368-383, 2017
Modelling landslide susceptibility prediction: a review and construction of semi-supervised imbalanced theory
F Huang, H Xiong, SH Jiang, C Yao, X Fan, F Catani, Z Chang, X Zhou, ...
Earth-Science Reviews, 104700, 2024
A numerical analysis of permeability evolution in rocks with multiple fractures
C Yao, QH Jiang, JF Shao
Transport in Porous Media 108, 289-311, 2015
Study on the mechanism of displacement mutation for jointed rock slopes during blasting excavation
J Dai, J Yang, C Yao, Y Hu, X Zhang, Q Jiang, C Zhou
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 150, 105032, 2022
滑坡易发性预测不确定性: 环境因子不同属性区间划分和不同数据驱动模型的影响
黄发明, 叶舟, 姚池, 李远耀, 殷坤龙, 黄劲松, 姜清辉
地球科学 45 (12), 4535-4549, 2020
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Articles 1–20