Florian Thalmann
Florian Thalmann
Kyoto University
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Cited by
Musical creativity: Strategies and tools in composition and improvisation
G Mazzola, J Park, F Thalmann
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
The topos of music III: Gestures
G Mazzola, R Guitart, J Ho, A Lubet, M Mannone, M Rahaim, F Thalmann
Third volume of second edition of, 2018
The mobile audio ontology: Experiencing dynamic music objects on mobile devices
F Thalmann, AP Carrillo, G Fazekas, GA Wiggins, M Sandler
2016 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 47-54, 2016
Musiclynx: Exploring music through artist similarity graphs
A Allik, F Thalmann, M Sandler
Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 167-170, 2018
The semantic music player: A smart mobile player based on ontological structures and analytical feature metadata
F Thalmann, A Perez Carillo, G Fazekas, M Sandler
The Composing Hand: Musical Creation with Leap Motion and the BigBang Rubette.
D Tormoen, F Thalmann, G Mazzola
NIME, 207-212, 2014
The bigbang rubette: Gestural music composition with rubato composer
F Thalmann, G Mazzola
ICMC, 2008
Functors for music: The rubato composer system
G Mazzola, G Milmeister, K Morsy, F Thalmann
Transdisciplinary Digital Art. Sound, Vision and the New Screen: Digital Art …, 2008
Online visibility graphs: Encoding visibility in a binary search tree
D Fano Yela, F Thalmann, V Nicosia, D Stowell, M Sandler
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023069, 2020
Towards a semantic web representation and application of audio mixing rules
D Moffat, F Thalmann, M Sandler
Musical composition with grid diagrams of transformations
F Thalmann
Master's Thesis, University of Bern, Bern, 2007
From interactive to adaptive mood-based music listening experiences in social or personal contexts
M Barthet, G Fazekas, A Allik, F Thalmann, MB Sandler
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 2016
Jam tomorrow: Collaborative music generation in croquet using OpenAL
F Thalmann, M Gaelli
Fourth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating …, 2006
The rubato composer music software: Component-based implementation of a functorial concept architecture
G Milmeister, G Mazzola, F Thalmann
(No Title), 2006
Grateful live: Mixing multiple recordings of a dead performance into an immersive experience
T Wilmering, F Thalmann, MB Sandler
Audio Engineering Society Convention 141, 2016
Topos Theory for a Creative Analysis of Boulez’s Structures
G Mazzola, C Losada, F Thalmann, S Tsuda
Quaderni di Matematica, Theory And Applications of Proximity, Nearness and …, 2009
Visualization and transformation in general musical and music-theoretical spaces
F Thalmann, G Mazzola
Proceedings of the Music Encoding Conference, 2013
Musical composition and gestural diagrams
G Mazzola, F Thalmann
International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music, 151-164, 2011
Musical Creativity. Computational Music Science
G Mazzola, J Park, F Thalmann
Springer, 2011
Grid diagrams for ornaments and morphing
G Mazzola, F Thalmann
Proceedings of the First International Conference of the Society for …, 2007
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Articles 1–20