Manjula Waniganayake
Cited by
Cited by
Early childhood professionals: Leading today and tomorrow
MA Ebbeck, M Ebbeck, M Waniganayake
Elsevier Australia, 2003
Pedagogical leadership from a distributed perspective within the context of early childhood education
J Heikka, M Waniganayake
International journal of leadership in education 14 (4), 499-512, 2011
Contextualizing distributed leadership within early childhood education: Current understandings, research evidence and future challenges
J Heikka, M Waniganayake, E Hujala
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 41 (1), 30-44, 2013
Leadership: Contexts and complexities in early childhood education
M Waniganayake, S Cheeseman, M Fenech, F Hadley, W Shepherd
Oxford University Press, 2012
Perspectives of early childhood teachers on parent–teacher partnerships in five European countries
E Hujala, L Turja, MF Gaspar, M Veisson, M Waniganayake
European early childhood education research journal 17 (1), 57-76, 2009
Perceptions of early childhood education professionals on teacher leadership in Finland
J Heikka, L Halttunen, M Waniganayake
Early Child Development and Care 188 (2), 143-156, 2018
Educational leadership: An evolving role in Australian early childhood settings
M Sims, M Waniganayake, DF Hadley
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 46 (6), 960-979, 2018
Investigating teacher leadership in ECE centres in Finland
J Heikka, L Halttunen, M Waniganayake
Journal of Early Childhood Education Research 5 (2), 2016
Contemporary practice in professional learning and development of early childhood educators in Australia: reflections on what works and why
F Hadley, M Waniganayake, W Shepherd
The professional development of early years educators, 29-44, 2019
The performance of compliance in early childhood: Neoliberalism and nice ladies
M Sims, M Waniganayake
Global Studies of Childhood 5 (3), 333-345, 2015
Leading professional learning in early childhood centres: Who are the educational leaders?
K Colmer, M Waniganayake, L Field
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 39 (4), 103-113, 2014
Researching Leadership in Early Childhood Education
J Hujala, E., Waniganayake, M. and Rodd
University of Tampere, Finland, 2013
Implementing curriculum reform: Insights into how Australian early childhood directors view professional development and learning
K Colmer, M Waniganayake, L Field
The Professional Development of Early Years Educators, 45-63, 2019
Being and becoming early childhood leaders: Reflections on leadership studies in early childhood education and the future leadership research agenda
M Waniganayake
Journal of Early Childhood Education Research 3 (1), 65-81, 2014
Find your tribe! Early childhood educators defining and identifying key factors that support their workplace wellbeing
C Jones, F Hadley, M Waniganayake, M Johnstone
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 44 (4), 326-338, 2019
Play in early childhood education: Learning in diverse contexts
M Ebbeck, MA and Waniganayake
Oxford University Press, 2010
More than a shortage of early childhood teachers: Looking beyond the recruitment of university qualified teachers to promote quality early childhood education and care
M Fenech, M Waniganayake, A Fleet
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 37 (2), 199-213, 2009
An exploratory study of gender and male teachers in early childhood education and care centres in China
Y Xu, M Waniganayake
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 48 (4), 518-534, 2018
The Role of Staff in Quality Improvement in Early Childhood.
M Sims, M Waniganayake
Journal of Education and Training Studies 3 (5), 187-194, 2015
Qualitative shadowing as a research methodology for exploring early childhood leadership in practice
M Bøe, K Hognestad, M Waniganayake
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 45 (4), 605-620, 2017
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Articles 1–20