Andrew Woodward
Cited by
Cited by
Cybersecurity vulnerabilities in medical devices: a complex environment and multifaceted problem
PAH Williams, AJ Woodward
Medical Devices: Evidence and Research, 305-316, 2015
W James, A James
The Correspondence of William James 12, 1992
The effect of salt stress and abscisic acid on proline production, chlorophyll content and growth of in vitro propagated shoots of Eucalyptus camaldulensis
AJ Woodward, IJ Bennett
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 82, 189-200, 2005
Mobile forensics: advances, challenges, and research opportunities
M Chernyshev, S Zeadally, Z Baig, A Woodward
IEEE Security & Privacy 15 (6), 42-51, 2017
Internet of things forensics: The need, process models, and open issues
M Chernyshev, S Zeadally, Z Baig, A Woodward
IT professional 20 (3), 40-49, 2018
Malware forensics: Discovery of the intent of deception
M Brand, C Valli, A Woodward
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law 5 (4), 2, 2010
Defence in depth, protection in depth and security in depth: A comparative analysis towards a common usage language
M Coole, J Corkill, A Woodward
SRI Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western …, 2012
The effect of nitrogen source and concentration, medium pH and buffering on in vitro shoot growth and rooting in Eucalyptus marginata
AJ Woodward, IJ Bennett, S Pusswonge
Scientia Horticulturae 110 (2), 208-213, 2006
Insights into phytonutrient profile and postharvest quality management of jackfruit: A review
J Kaur, Z Singh, HMS Shah, MS Mazhar, MU Hasan, A Woodward
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 64 (19), 6756-6782, 2024
Preharvest melatonin application alleviates red drupelet reversion, improves antioxidant potential and maintains postharvest quality of ‘Elvira’blackberry
HMS Shah, Z Singh, MU Hasan, E Afrifa-Yamoah, A Woodward
Postharvest Biology and Technology 203, 112418, 2023
Insight into the role of melatonin in mitigating chilling injury and maintaining the quality of cold-stored fruits and vegetables
HMS Shah, Z Singh, E Afrifa-Yamoah, MU Hasan, J Kaur, A Woodward
Food Reviews International 40 (5), 1238-1264, 2024
Oxalic acid: A blooming organic acid for postharvest quality preservation of fresh fruit and vegetables
MU Hasan, Z Singh, HMS Shah, J Kaur, A Woodward, E Afrifa-Yamoah, ...
Postharvest Biology and Technology 206, 112574, 2023
Trends in maintaining postharvest freshness and quality of Rubus berries
HMS Shah, Z Singh, J Kaur, MU Hasan, A Woodward, E Afrifa‐Yamoah
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 22 (6), 4600-4643, 2023
Water Loss: A Postharvest Quality Marker in Apple Storage
MU Hasan, Z Singh, HMS Shah, J Kaur, A Woodward
Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1-26, 2024
Melatonin application suppresses oxidative stress and maintains fruit quality of cold stored ‘Esperanza’raspberries by regulating antioxidant system
HMS Shah, Z Singh, MU Hasan, J Kaur, E Afrifa-Yamoah, A Woodward
Postharvest Biology and Technology 207, 112597, 2024
Patterns and patter-an investigation into ssh activity using kippo honeypots
C Valli, P Rabadia, A Woodward
SRI Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western …, 2013
Eavesdropping on the smart grid
C Valli, A Woodward, C Carpene, P Hannay, M Brand, R Karvinen, ...
SRI Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western …, 2012
Improving an organisations existing information technology policy to increase security
S Talbot, A Woodward
Security Research Centre, School of Computer and Security Science, Edith …, 2009
Oops they did it again: The 2007 Australian study of remnant data contained on 2nd hand hard disks
C Valli, A Woodward
School of Computer and Information Science, Edith Cowan University, Perth …, 2007
The 2008 Australian study of remnant data contained on 2nd hand hard disks: the saga continues
C Valli, A Woodward
arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.6025, 2012
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Articles 1–20