Craig Underhill
Craig Underhill
Border Medical Oncology, University of NSW and Latrobe University
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Randomized trial comparing epirubicin, cisplatin, and fluorouracil versus fluorouracil, doxorubicin, and methotrexate in advanced esophagogastric cancer.
A Webb, D Cunningham, JH Scarffe, P Harper, A Norman, JK Joffe, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 15 (1), 261-267, 1997
First-line selective internal radiotherapy plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone in patients with liver metastases from colorectal cancer (FOXFIRE, SIRFLOX, and FOXFIRE …
HS Wasan, P Gibbs, NK Sharma, J Taieb, V Heinemann, J Ricke, ...
The Lancet Oncology 18 (9), 1159-1171, 2017
Location of colon cancer (right-sided versus left-sided) as a prognostic factor and a predictor of benefit from cetuximab in NCIC CO. 17
SY Brulé, DJ Jonker, CS Karapetis, CJ O’Callaghan, MJ Moore, R Wong, ...
European journal of cancer 51 (11), 1405-1414, 2015
A review of PARP inhibitors: from bench to bedside
C Underhill, M Toulmonde, H Bonnefoi
Annals of Oncology 22 (2), 268-279, 2011
Psychosocial well-being and supportive care needs of cancer patients living in urban and rural/regional areas: a systematic review
PN Butow, F Phillips, J Schweder, K White, C Underhill, D Goldstein, ...
Supportive Care in Cancer 20, 1-22, 2012
Methylation of all BRCA1 copies predicts response to the PARP inhibitor rucaparib in ovarian carcinoma
O Kondrashova, M Topp, K Nesic, E Lieschke, GY Ho, MI Harrell, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3970, 2018
Adjuvant vemurafenib in resected, BRAFV600 mutation-positive melanoma (BRIM8): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre, phase 3 trial
M Maio, K Lewis, L Demidov, M Mandalà, I Bondarenko, PA Ascierto, ...
The Lancet Oncology 19 (4), 510-520, 2018
Evaluation of combination nivolumab and ipilimumab immunotherapy in patients with advanced biliary tract cancers: subgroup analysis of a phase 2 nonrandomized clinical trial
O Klein, D Kee, A Nagrial, B Markman, C Underhill, M Michael, L Jackett, ...
JAMA oncology 6 (9), 1405-1409, 2020
Impact of early dose intensity on cytogenetic and molecular responses in chronic-phase CML patients receiving 600 mg/day of imatinib as initial therapy
TP Hughes, S Branford, DL White, J Reynolds, R Koelmeyer, JF Seymour, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 112 (10), 3965-3973, 2008
Darbepoetin alfa administered every 3 weeks alleviates anaemia in patients with solid tumours receiving chemotherapy; results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised …
D Kotasek, G Steger, W Faught, C Underhill, E Poulsen, AB Colowick, ...
European Journal of Cancer 39 (14), 2026-2034, 2003
Gefitinib or placebo in combination with tamoxifen in patients with hormone receptor–positive metastatic breast cancer: a randomized phase II study
CK Osborne, P Neven, LY Dirix, JR Mackey, J Robert, C Underhill, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 17 (5), 1147-1159, 2011
Afatinib beyond progression in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer following chemotherapy, erlotinib/gefitinib and afatinib: phase III randomized LUX-Lung 5 trial
M Schuler, JCH Yang, K Park, JH Kim, J Bennouna, YM Chen, C Chouaid, ...
Annals of Oncology 27 (3), 417-423, 2016
Immunotherapy of ipilimumab and nivolumab in patients with advanced neuroendocrine tumors: a subgroup analysis of the CA209-538 clinical trial for rare cancers
O Klein, D Kee, B Markman, M Michael, C Underhill, MS Carlino, L Jackett, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 26 (17), 4454-4459, 2020
Circulating tumor DNA dynamics and recurrence risk in patients undergoing curative intent resection of colorectal cancer liver metastases: A prospective cohort study
J Tie, Y Wang, J Cohen, L Li, W Hong, M Christie, HL Wong, S Kosmider, ...
PLoS medicine 18 (5), e1003620, 2021
Multicenter phase 2 trial of thalidomide in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: adverse prognostic impact of advanced age
L Mileshkin, JJ Biagi, P Mitchell, C Underhill, A Grigg, R Bell, ...
Blood 102 (1), 69-77, 2003
Plasma Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA is a biomarker for EBV-positive Hodgkin's lymphoma
MK Gandhi, E Lambley, J Burrows, U Dua, S Elliott, PJ Shaw, HM Prince, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 12 (2), 460-464, 2006
Prognostic gene expression signature for high-grade serous ovarian cancer
J Millstein, T Budden, EL Goode, MS Anglesio, A Talhouk, ...
Annals of Oncology 31 (9), 1240-1250, 2020
Mapping oncology services in regional and rural Australia
C Underhill, R Bartel, D Goldstein, H Snodgrass, S Begbie, P Yates, ...
Australian Journal of Rural Health 17 (6), 321-329, 2009
Treatment of invasive thymoma with single-agent ifosfamide
MS Highley, CR Underhill, FX Parnis, C Karapetis, E Rankin, J Dussek, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 17 (9), 2737-2737, 1999
Testosterone suppression plus enzalutamide versus testosterone suppression plus standard antiandrogen therapy for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (ENZAMET): an …
CJ Sweeney, AJ Martin, MR Stockler, S Begbie, L Cheung, KN Chi, ...
The Lancet Oncology 24 (4), 323-334, 2023
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