Thomas Süβe (Suesse)
Thomas Süβe (Suesse)
Senior lecturer in statistics, University of Wollongong
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Cited by
Physical activity, screen time and the COVID-19 school closures in Europe–An observational study in 10 countries
VA Kovacs, G Starc, M Brandes, M Kaj, R Blagus, B Leskošek, T Suesse, ...
European journal of sport science 22 (7), 1094-1103, 2022
Global effect of COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep among 3-to 5-year-old children: a longitudinal study of 14 countries
AD Okely, KE Kariippanon, H Guan, EK Taylor, T Suesse, PL Cross, ...
BMC public health 21, 1-15, 2021
A systematic review and meta-analysis of associations between green and blue spaces and birth outcomes
S Akaraci, X Feng, T Suesse, B Jalaludin, T Astell-Burt
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (8), 2949, 2020
Cross-sectional examination of 24-hour movement behaviours among 3-and 4-year-old children in urban and rural settings in low-income, middle-income and high-income countries …
AD Okely, JJ Reilly, MS Tremblay, KE Kariippanon, CE Draper, ...
BMJ open 11 (10), e049267, 2021
mipfp: An R package for multidimensional array fitting and simulating multivariate Bernoulli distributions
J Barthélemy, T Suesse
Journal of Statistical Software 86, 2018
New concepts of multiple tests and their use for evaluating high-dimensional EEG data
C Hemmelmann, M Horn, T Süsse, R Vollandt, S Weiss
Journal of neuroscience methods 142 (2), 209-217, 2005
Multivariate tests for the evaluation of high-dimensional EEG data
C Hemmelmann, M Horn, S Reiterer, B Schack, T Süsse, S Weiss
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 139 (1), 111-120, 2004
Laboratory learning objectives measurement: Relationships between student evaluation scores and perceived learning
S Nikolic, T Suesse, K Jovanovic, Z Stanisavljevic
IEEE Transactions on Education 64 (2), 163-171, 2020
Identifying mutual information transfer in the brain with differential-algebraic modeling: Evidence for fast oscillatory coupling between cortical somatosensory areas 3b and 1
J Haueisen, L Leistritz, T Süsse, G Curio, H Witte
NeuroImage 37 (1), 130-136, 2007
Graphical diagnostics to check model misspecification for the proportional odds regression model
I Liu, B Mukherjee, T Suesse, D Sparrow, SK Park
Statistics in medicine 28 (3), 412-429, 2009
Are we underestimating the impact of COVID-19 on children’s physical activity in Europe?—a study of 24 302 children
VA Kovacs, M Brandes, T Suesse, R Blagus, S Whiting, ...
European journal of public health 32 (3), 494-496, 2022
On the spatio-temporal organisation of quadratic phase-couplings in ‘trace alternant’EEG pattern in full-term newborns
H Witte, P Putsche, K Schwab, M Eiselt, M Helbig, T Suesse
Clinical neurophysiology 115 (10), 2308-2315, 2004
Computational aspects of the EM algorithm for spatial econometric models with missing data
T Suesse, A Zammit-Mangion
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 87 (9), 1767-1786, 2017
Marginal maximum likelihood estimation of SAR models with missing data
T Suesse
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 120, 98-110, 2018
Laboratory learning objectives: ranking objectives across the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains within engineering
S Nikolic, TF Suesse, S Grundy, R Haque, S Lyden, GM Hassan, S Daniel, ...
European Journal of Engineering Education 49 (3), 454-473, 2024
The re-greening of east coast Australian rivers: An unprecedented riparian transformation
TJ Cohen, T Suesse, I Reinfelds, N Zhang, K Fryirs, L Chisholm
Science of the Total Environment 810, 151309, 2022
Coupled oscillators for modeling and analysis of EEG/MEG oscillations
L Leistritz, P Putsche, K Schwab, W Hesse, T Süße, J Haueisen, H Witte
Walter de Gruyter 52 (1), 83-89, 2007
Greener neighbourhoods, healthier birth outcomes? Evidence from Australia
S Akaraci, X Feng, T Suesse, B Jalaludin, T Astell-Burt
Environmental Pollution 278, 116814, 2021
Bayesian nonparametric reliability analysis for a railway system at component level
P Mokhtarian, MR Namzi-Rad, TK Ho, T Suesse
2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation …, 2013
Estimation of spatial autoregressive models with measurement error for large data sets
T Suesse
Computational Statistics 33, 1627-1648, 2018
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Articles 1–20