Kelly E Matthews
Cited by
Cited by
A systematic literature review of students as partners in higher education
L Mercer-Mapstone, SL Dvorakova, KE Matthews, S Abbot, B Cheng, ...
International Journal for Students as Partners, 2017
Social learning spaces and student engagement
KE Matthews, V Andrews, P Adams
Higher Education Research & Development 30 (2), 105-120, 2011
“I am working-class” Subjective self-definition as a missing measure of social class and socioeconomic status in higher education research
M Rubin, N Denson, S Kilpatrick, KE Matthews, T Stehlik, D Zyngier
Educational Researcher, 0013189X14528373, 2014
Five propositions for genuine students as partners practice
KE Matthews
International Journal for Students as Partners 1 (2), 5, 2017
Conceptions of students as partners
KE Matthews, A Dwyer, L Hine, J Turner
Higher Education 76, 957-971, 2018
Redefining ‘early career’ in academia: a collective narrative approach
A Bosanquet, A Mailey, KE Matthews, JM Lodge
Higher Education Research & Development, 1-13, 2016
Students as partners as the future of student engagement
K Matthews
Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal 1 (1), 2016
Toward theories of partnership praxis: An analysis of interpretive framing in literature on students as partners in teaching and learning
KE Matthews, A Cook-Sather, A Acai, SL Dvorakova, P Felten, E Marquis, ...
Higher Education Research & Development, 1-14, 2019
Survey of research approaches utilised in the scholarship of teaching and learning publications
A Divan, L Ludwig, K Matthews, P Motley, A Tomljenovic-Berube
Teaching & Learning Inquiry 5 (2), 16-29, 2017
Early career academic perceptions, attitudes and professional development activities: questioning the teaching and research gap to further academic development
KE Matthews, JM Lodge, A Bosanquet
International Journal for Academic Development 19 (2), 112-124, 2014
What we talk about when we talk about students as partners
A Cook-Sather, KE Matthews, A Ntem, S Leathwick
International Journal for students as partners 2 (2), 1-9, 2018
Connecting learning, teaching, and research through student–staff partnerships: Toward universities as egalitarian learning communities
KE Matthews, A Cook-Sather, M Healey
Connecting research and teaching: Students as partners in shaping higher …, 2018
Putting it into perspective: mathematics in the undergraduate science curriculum
KE Matthews, P Adams, M Goos
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 40 …, 2009
Student perceptions of communication skills in undergraduate science at an Australian research-intensive university
LD Mercer-Mapstone, KE Matthews
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 42 (1), 98-114, 2017
Student voice in higher education: the importance of distinguishing student representation and student partnership
KE Matthews, M Dollinger
Higher Education, 1-16, 2022
Enhancing outcomes and reducing inhibitors to the engagement of students and staff in learning and teaching partnerships: Implications for academic development
KE Matthews, L Mercer-Mapstone, SL Dvorakova, A Acai, A Cook-Sather, ...
International Journal for Academic Development 24 (3), 246-259, 2019
Toward curriculum convergence for graduate learning outcomes: Academic intentions and student experiences
KE Matthews, LD Mercer-Mapstone
Studies in Higher Education 43 (4), 644-659, 2018
Insights into how academics reframed their assessment during a pandemic: disciplinary variation and assessment as afterthought
C Slade, G Lawrie, N Taptamat, E Browne, K Sheppard, KE Matthews
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 47 (4), 588-605, 2022
It is a complicated thing: Leaders’ conceptions of students as partners in the neoliberal university
KE Matthews, A Dwyer, S Russell, E Enright
Studies in Higher Education 44 (12), 2196-2207, 2019
Perceptions of science graduating students on their learning gains
C Varsavsky, KE Matthews, Y Hodgson
International Journal of Science Education 36 (6), 929-951, 2014
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Articles 1–20