Janie Brown
Janie Brown
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Nurse resilience: A concept analysis
AL Cooper, JA Brown, CS Rees, GD Leslie
International journal of mental health nursing 29 (4), 553-575, 2020
Issues affecting nurses' capability to use digital technology at work: An integrative review
J Brown, N Pope, AM Bosco, J Mason, A Morgan
Journal of clinical nursing 29 (15-16), 2801-2819, 2020
The influence of trait-negative affect and compassion satisfaction on compassion fatigue in Australian nurses.
M Craigie, R Osseiran-Moisson, D Hemsworth, S Aoun, K Francis, ...
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 8 (1), 88, 2016
Australian health professions student use of social media
K Usher, C Woods, E Casella, N Glass, R Wilson, L Mayner, D Jackson, ...
Collegian 21 (2), 95-101, 2014
Australian nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes towards pressure injury prevention: A cross-sectional study
K Usher, C Woods, J Brown, T Power, J Lea, M Hutchinson, C Mather, ...
International journal of nursing studies 81, 14-20, 2018
What is the impact of shift work on the psychological functioning and resilience of nurses? An integrative review
M Tahghighi, CS Rees, JA Brown, LJ Breen, D Hegney
Journal of Advanced Nursing 73 (9), 2065-2083, 2017
Supporting student nurse professionalisation: the role of the clinical teacher
J Brown, J Stevens, S Kermode
Nurse education today 32 (5), 606-610, 2012
Nurse resilience for clinical practice: An integrative review
AL Cooper, JA Brown, GD Leslie
Journal of Advanced Nursing 77 (6), 2623-2640, 2021
Attracting and maintaining the Y Generation in nursing: a literature review
D Hutchinson, J Brown, K Longworth
Journal of nursing management 20 (4), 444-450, 2012
Student nurses' digital literacy levels: lessons for curricula
J Brown, A Morgan, J Mason, N Pope, AM Bosco
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 38 (9), 451-458, 2020
Supporting rural/remote primary health care placement experiences increases undergraduate nurse confidence
P Bennett, D Jones, J Brown, V Barlow
Nurse Education Today 33 (2), 166-172, 2013
Maximising nurses' and midwives' mesponse rates to surveys.
AL Cooper
Nurse Researcher 25 (3), 2017
What do graduate registered nurses want from jobs in rural/remote Australian communities?
P Bennett, V Barlow, J Brown, D Jones
Journal of Nursing Management 20 (4), 485-490, 2012
Exploring the nurse navigator role: A thematic analysis
AL Byrne, D Hegney, C Harvey, A Baldwin, E Willis, D Heard, J Judd, ...
Journal of Nursing Management 28 (4), 814-821, 2020
A comparison of nurse shift workers’ and non‐shift workers’ psychological functioning and resilience
M Tahghighi, JA Brown, LJ Breen, R Kane, D Hegney, CS Rees
Journal of advanced nursing 75 (11), 2570-2578, 2019
Measuring student nurse professional socialisation: The development and implementation of a new instrument
J Brown, J Stevens, S Kermode
Nurse Education Today 33 (6), 565-573, 2013
Is nursing and midwifery clinical documentation a burden? An empirical study of perception versus reality
AL Cooper, JA Brown, SP Eccles, N Cooper, MA Albrecht
Journal of Clinical Nursing 30 (11-12), 1645-1652, 2021
Barriers and facilitators of physical activity participation in adults living with type 1 diabetes: a systematic scoping review
MC Brennan, JA Brown, N Ntoumanis, GD Leslie
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 46 (2), 95-107, 2021
The iPad: tablet technology to support nursing and midwifery student learning: an evaluation in practice
J Brown, P McCrorie
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 33 (3), 93-98, 2015
The prevalence of peripheral intravenous cannulae and pattern of use: A point prevalence in a private hospital setting
K Wong, A Cooper, J Brown, L Boyd, M Levinson
Journal of clinical nursing 27 (1-2), e363-e367, 2018
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