Paulo Greco
Paulo Greco
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering, University of Sao Paulo
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Frequency domain unsteady transonic aerodynamics for flutter and limit cycle oscillation prediction
P Greco, C Lan, T Lim, P Greco, C Lan, T Lim
35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 835, 1997
Frequency domain unsteady transonic aerodynamics for flutter and limit cycle oscillation prediction
PC Greco Jr, CTE Lan
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 32 …, 2010
Viscous and wave drag optimization for a transport aircraft mission adaptive wing
FM Catalano, PC Greco Jr, AL Martins
Aircraft Laboratory: University of São Paulo-Brazil and EMBRAER, Congress, 2002
Effect of wing sweep direction on suckdown for a hovering STOVL model
P Greco, Jr, W Anemaat, C Hardin, K Zimmerman, W Anemaat, C Hardin, ...
15th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 2315, 1997
A fast viscous correction method applied to small disturbance potential transonic flows in the frequency domain
PC Greco Jr, LY Sheng
Proc. of 24th ICAS Congress, Yokohama 29, 0
Virtual boundary method for inviscid transonic flow over supercritical airfoils
J Solarte-Pineda, PC Greco Jr
Aerospace Science and Technology 58, 380-388, 2016
Development of fan broadband noise semi-empirical prediction method adjustable from operation point
R Guimaraes, P Greco, B Aflalo
18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference …, 2012
Application of a model updating method to an aircraft longitudinal stability augmentation system
WS Mattos, NC Pereira, PC Greco Jr
Transonic flutter and limit cycle oscillations
PC Greco Jr
University of Kansas, 1996
Shock/Boundary-Layer Interaction Using Transonic Small Disturbance Potential for Frequency Domain Analysis
PC Greco Jr, LY Sheng
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Articles 1–10