Sheona Thomson
Sheona Thomson
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Cited by
Towards agility: Scaffolding anticipative education in social work
J Neden, H Cleak, S Thomson
The British Journal of Social Work 50 (4), 1258-1276, 2020
Understanding academic integrity education: Case studies from two Australian universities
M Striepe, S Thomson, L Sefcik
Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (1), 1-17, 2023
Places within and without: Memory, the literary imagination, and the project in the design studio
S Thomson
Memory and architecture, 317-329, 2004
Design curricula: Navigating process and people
D Meth, S Thomson, D Brough
How to be a design academic, 245-268, 2021
It's Moments like these you need ‘Mint’: A Mapping of Spatialised Sexuality in Brisbane
S Thomson
Queensland Review 14 (2), 93-104, 2007
Sharing understanding of assessment criteria in design project tutorials: Some observations of, and implications for, practice
S Thomson
idea journal 2007, 38-50, 2007
Backyard wisdom and student insights in developing effective web-supported learning
W Fountain, S Thomson
Conference Proceedings (Short papers), ASCILITE’01: Meeting at the …, 2001
Understanding how and why students use academic file-sharing and homework-help websites: implications for academic integrity
C Slade, GJ Curtis, S Thomson
Higher Education Research & Development, 1-16, 2024
A slippery cousin to ‘development’? The concept of ‘impact’in teaching sustainability in design education
D Meth, C Brophy, S Thomson
Teaching in Higher Education 28 (5), 1039-1056, 2023
Authenticity, Originality, and Beating the Cheats
S Thomson, A Amigud, H Huijser
Technology-Enhanced Learning and the Virtual University, 1-23, 2023
AssignmentWatch: An automated detection and alert tool for reducing academic misconduct associated with file-sharing websites
R Somers, S Cunningham, S Dart, S Thomson, C Chua, E Pickering
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 17, 310-318, 2023
Orienting Design Education: Implementing an Orientation Field Trip as an Introduction to Design Education
A Scott, K Jerome, S Thomson
Proceedings of the ICSID Educational Seminar 2001 Seongnam, 62-68, 2001
Design for Impact: A model for embedding education for sustainability across an undergraduate design program
D Meth, S Thomson, C Brophy, M Finger, G Mews, D Brough
Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Sustainable Development …, 2022
Using Video and Blended Learning
S Thomson, A Scott
How to Be a Design Academic, 135-152, 2021
State Library Queensland
S Thomson
Architecture Australia 100 (5), 92-92, 2011
Urbanity and the campus [General Purpose North 3 is a building which has significant urban effects on the St Lucia campus of the University of Queensland.]
A Moulis, S Thomson
Architecture Australia 92 (4), 42-49, 2003
Building for a future Gold Coast
S Thomson
Architecture Australia 107 (1), 2018
Connections not boundaries: Future learning and physical spaces
S Thomson
Architecture Australia 104 (5), 2015
Towards a literacy of attention
S Thomson
Proceedings of the 32nd HERDSA Annual Conference, 424-433, 2009
Brisbane Magistrates Court
A Moulis, S Thomson
Architecture Australia 94 (3), 62-68, 2005
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Articles 1–20