Richard Laugesen
Richard Laugesen
Senior hydrological scientist, Australian Bureau of Meteorology and University of Adelaide
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Cited by
How streamflow has changed across Australia since the 1950s: evidence from the network of hydrologic reference stations
XS Zhang, GE Amirthanathan, MA Bari, RM Laugesen, D Shin, DM Kent, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (9), 3947-3965, 2016
Multi-temporal Hydrological Residual Error Modelling for Seamless Subseasonal Streamflow Forecasting
D McInerney, M Thyer, D Kavetski, R Laugesen, N Tuteja, G Kuczera
Hydrology and Water Resource Symposium HWRS2021, 2021
Experimental evaluation of the dynamic seasonal streamflow forecasting approach
NK Tuteja, D Shin, R Laugesen, U Khan, Q Shao, E Wang, M Li, H Zheng, ...
Commonwealth of Australia (Bureau of Meteorology), 2011
Development of catchment water quality models within a realtime status and forecast system for the Great Barrier Reef
U Khan, FJ Cook, R Laugesen, MM Hasan, K Plastow, GE Amirthanathan, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 132, 104790, 2020
Improving the reliability of sub‐seasonal forecasts of high and low flows by using a flow‐dependent nonparametric model
D McInerney, M Thyer, D Kavetski, R Laugesen, F Woldemeskel, N Tuteja, ...
Water Resources Research 57 (11), e2020WR029317, 2021
Developing Specialist Language Styles: Research & Application
M O'Toole, R Laugesen
Boraga Academic, 2011
Evaluation of multi-model rainfall forecasts for the national 7-day ensemble streamflow forecasting service
A Kabir, MM Hasan, HAP Hapuarachchi, XS Zhang, J Liyanage, ...
Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 2018
Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting with a workflow-based dynamic hydrologic modelling approach
R Laugesen, NK Tuteja, D Shin, T Chia, U Khan
Paper accepted for oral presentation at Modelling and Simulation Society of …, 2011
Seamless streamflow forecasting at daily to monthly scales: MuTHRE lets you have your cake and eat it too
D McInerney, M Thyer, D Kavetski, R Laugesen, F Woldemeskel, N Tuteja, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26 (21), 5669-5683, 2022
Seamless streamflow model provides forecasts at all scales from daily to monthly and matches the performance of non-seamless monthly model
D McInerney, M Thyer, D Kavetski, R Laugesen, F Woldemeskel, N Tuteja, ...
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss 1, 1-22, 2022
Dynamic streamflow forecasts within an uncertainty framework for 100 catchments in Australia
J Lerat, CA Pickett-Heaps, D Shin, S Zhou, P Feikema, U Khan, ...
36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: The art and science of water …, 2015
Development of an operational system for the 7-day streamflow forecast service in Australia
HAP Hapuarachchi, A Kabir, S Zhang, N Tuteja, D Enever, D Kent, M Bari, ...
Proceedings of OZWater conference, 10-12, 2016
Flexible forecast value metric suitable for a wide range of decisions: application using probabilistic subseasonal streamflow forecasts
R Laugesen, M Thyer, D McInerney, D Kavetski
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 27 (4), 873-893, 2023
Concepts, philosophy and methods for development of a general linear statistical model for river water quality
FJ Cook, U Khan, R Laugesen, G Amirthanathan, NK Tuteja, MA Bari
Proceedings-22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM …, 2017
Yagi-uda antenna
R Laugesen
Phys327-Electromagnetic Applications, Access on November, 2011
Short-range streamflow forecasts for the Great Barrier Reef using semi-distributed and distributed hydrological models
U Khan, SC Wells, P Hapuarachchi, SJ Cole, GE Amirthanathan, ...
Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2018, 2018
Operational modelling system development for short-term and seasonal streamflow forecasting services
D Shin, A MacDonald, D Kent, P Hapuarachchi, K Plastow, R Laugesen, ...
36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium HWRS, 2015
Simulation of Gauged and Ungauged Streamflow of Coastal Catchments across Australia
MA Bari, U Khan, GE Amirthanathan, M Tuteja, RM Laugesen
Water 16 (4), 527, 2024
Seasonal hydrological forecasting at the Bureau of Meteorology
CA Pickett-Heaps, P Sunter, A Cornish, W Sharples, M Pegios, ...
HWRS2023: Hydrology & Water Resources Symposium, 807-813, 2023
Water quantity and quality modelling for the great barrier reef catchments and development of an operational-ready system
U Khan, B Farmer, R Laugesen, J D'Andrea, A Cornish, SC Wells, ...
HWRS2023: Hydrology & Water Resources Symposium, 573-577, 2023
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Articles 1–20