Debra Dunstan
Debra Dunstan
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Norms for Zung’s self-rating anxiety scale
DA Dunstan, N Scott
BMC psychiatry 20, 1-8, 2020
Screening for Anxiety and Depression: Reassessing the Utility of the Zung Scales.
DA Dunstan, N Scott, AK . Todd
BMC Psychiatry, 2017
Clarification of the cut-off score for Zung’s Self-rating Depression Scale.
D D.A, N Scott
BMC Psychiatry, 2019
The digital psychiatrist: in search of evidence-based apps for anxiety and depression
JM Marshall, DA Dunstan, W Bartik
Frontiers in Psychiatry 10, 831, 2019
Bearing the brunt: co-workers’ experiences of work reintegration processes
DA Dunstan, E MacEachen
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 23, 44-54, 2013
Clinical or gimmickal: The use and effectiveness of mobile mental health apps for treating anxiety and depression
JM Marshall, DA Dunstan, W Bartik
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 54 (1), 20-28, 2020
Treatment via videoconferencing: a pilot study of delivery by clinical psychology trainees
DA Dunstan, SM Tooth
Australian Journal of Rural Health 20 (2), 88-94, 2012
Barriers and facilitating factors to help‐seeking for symptoms of clinical anxiety in adolescent males
LH Clark, JL Hudson, DA Dunstan, GI Clark
Australian Journal of Psychology 70 (3), 225-234, 2018
The role of digital mental health resources to treat trauma symptoms in Australia during COVID-19.
JM Marshall, DA Dunstan, W Bartik
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 12 (S1), S269, 2020
A theoretical model of co-worker responses to work reintegration processes
DA Dunstan, E Maceachen
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 24, 189-198, 2014
What leads to the expectation to return to work? Insights from a Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) model of future work outcomes
DA Dunstan, T Covic, GA Tyson
Work 46 (1), 25-37, 2013
Apps with maps—anxiety and depression mobile apps with evidence-based frameworks: systematic search of major app stores
JM Marshall, DA Dunstan, W Bartik
JMIR mental health 7 (6), e16525, 2020
Assigning clinical significance and symptom severity using the zung scales: levels of misclassification arising from confusion between index and raw scores
DA Dunstan, N Scott
Depression research and treatment 2018 (1), 9250972, 2018
Fracked: Coal seam gas extraction and farmers’ mental health
MI Morgan, DW Hine, N Bhullar, DA Dunstan, W Bartik
Journal of Environmental Psychology 47, 22-32, 2016
Does the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire predict outcomes following a work-related compensable injury?
DA Dunstan, T Covic, GA Tyson, IG Lennie
International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 28 (4), 369-370, 2005
Compensable work disability management: A literature review of biopsychosocial perspectives
DA Dunstan, T Covic
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 53 (2), 67-77, 2006
The relationship between hope social inclusion and mental wellbeing in supported employment
DA Dunstan, AK Falconer, IR Price
Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling, 1-15, 2017
Confirmatory factor analysis of the Injustice Experience Questionnaire in an Australian compensable population
L Kennedy, DA Dunstan
Journal of occupational rehabilitation 24, 385-392, 2014
Mental health literacy of Australian rural adolescents: An analysis using vignettes and short films
JM Marshall, DA Dunstan
Australian Psychologist 48 (2), 119-127, 2013
Smartphone psychology: New approaches towards safe and efficacious mobile mental health apps.
JM Marshall, DA Dunstan, W Bartik
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 51 (3), 214, 2020
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Articles 1–20