Mateu Villaret Auselle
Cited by
Cited by
An efficient nominal unification algorithm
J Levy, M Villaret
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and …, 2010
Solving constraint satisfaction problems with SAT modulo theories
M Bofill, M Palahí, J Suy, M Villaret
Constraints 17, 273-303, 2012
Anti-unification for unranked terms and hedges
T Kutsia, J Levy, M Villaret
Journal of Automated Reasoning 52 (2), 155-190, 2014
Nominal unification from a higher-order perspective
J Levy, M Villaret
International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 246-260, 2008
Satisfiability modulo theories: An efficient approach for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem
C Ansótegui, M Bofill, M Palahı, J Suy, M Villaret
Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and …, 2011
MaxSAT-based scheduling of B2B meetings
M Bofill, M Garcia, J Suy, M Villaret
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming: 12th …, 2015
Building automated theorem provers for infinitely-valued logics with satisfiability modulo theory solvers
C Ansótegui, M Bofill, F Manyà, M Villaret
2012 IEEE 42nd International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, 25-30, 2012
Nominal unification from a higher-order perspective
J Levy, M Villaret
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 13 (2), 1-31, 2012
Nominal unification of higher order expressions with recursive let
M Schmidt-Schauß, T Kutsia, J Levy, M Villaret
Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 26th International …, 2017
A system for solving constraint satisfaction problems with SMT
M Bofill, J Suy, M Villaret
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing–SAT 2010: 13th …, 2010
Linear second-order unification and context unification with tree-regular constraints
J Levy, M Villaret
International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 156-171, 2000
Higher-order pattern anti-unification in linear time
A Baumgartner, T Kutsia, J Levy, M Villaret
Journal of Automated Reasoning 58 (2), 293-310, 2017
SMT encodings for resource-constrained project scheduling problems
M Bofill, J Coll, J Suy, M Villaret
Computers & Industrial Engineering 149, 106777, 2020
The RANTANPLAN planner: system description
M Bofill, J Espasa, M Villaret
The Knowledge Engineering Review 31 (5), 452-464, 2016
Nominal anti-unification
A Baumgartner, T Kutsia, J Levy, M Villaret
Dagstuhl Publishing, 2015
On the complexity of bounded second-order unification and stratified context unification
J Levy, M Schmidt-Schauß, M Villaret
Logic Journal of IGPL 19 (6), 763-789, 2011
New complexity results for Łukasiewicz logic
M Bofill, F Manyà, A Vidal, M Villaret
Soft Computing 23, 2187-2197, 2019
SIMPLY: a Compiler from a CSP Modeling Language to the SMT-LIB Format
M Bofill, M Palahı, J Suy, M Villaret
Proceedings of the 8th international workshop on constraint modelling and …, 2009
The complexity of monadic second-order unification
J Levy, M Schmidt-Schauß, M Villaret
SIAM Journal on Computing 38 (3), 1113-1140, 2008
A variant of higher-order anti-unification
A Baumgartner, T Kutsia, J Levy, M Villaret
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Articles 1–20