Iris Bergmann
Cited by
Cited by
Facilitating learnscape development, maintenance and use: teachers' perceptions and self-reported practices
K Skamp, I Bergmann
Environmental Education Research 7 (4), 333-358, 2001
Interspecies Sustainability to Ensure Animal Protection: Lessons from the Thoroughbred Racing Industry
IM Bergmann
Sustainability 11 (19), 5539, 2019
Sustainability, thoroughbred racing and the need for change
I Bergmann
Pferdeheilkunde 31 (5), 490-498, 2015
Naturalness and the Legitimacy of Thoroughbred Racing: A Photo-Elicitation Study with Industry and Animal Advocacy Informants
IM Bergmann
Animals 10 (9), 1513, 2020
Cognitive dissonance and individuals' response strategies as a basis for audience segmentation to reduce factory farmed meat consumption
I Bergmann, T von der Heidt, C Maller
He loves to race–or does he?: Ethics and welfare in racing
I Bergmann
Equine Cultures in Transition, 117-133, 2019
A review of air quality community education
K Skamp, I Bergmann, R Taplin, K Cooke
Sydney, NSW: Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability …, 2007
The Intersection of Animals and Global Sustainability—A Critical Studies Terrain for Better Policies?
IM Bergmann
Proceedings 73 (1), 12, 2020
The handbook of sustainability literacy: skills for a changing world
I Bergmann
Environmental Education Research 18 (5), 719-722, 2012
What is the role of the arts in the face of this?: an exploration in the context of systems thinking and the transition to sustainability
I Bergmann
PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature, 23-32, 2010
How to grasp environmental complexities? Photographic narratives and environmental concept formation
I Bergmann
Australian Journal of Environmental Education 15, 9-16, 1999
Towards Interspecies Sustainability: The Future for Thoroughbreds and Thoroughbred Racing
IM Bergmann
Visual Imagery and Concept Formation about Environmental Issues through Creative Photography
IM Bergmann
Southern Cross University, 1998
That's bloody stupid! Q methodology and controversial geographical research
P McManus, A Davison, S Roberts, P McGreevy, R Graham, K Ruse, ...
Institute of Australian Geographers Conference 2015, -, 2015
The many worlds of jump racing: thoroughbreds, conflicting values and media discourse
P McManus, A Davison, S Roberts, P McGreevy, K Ruse, I Bergmann, ...
Institute of the Australian Geographers/New Zealand Geographical Society …, 2014
Learning ‘otherWISE’: being wise about consumption
C Neil, M Bentley, E Ryan, D Donahoo, I Bergmann, J Fien
Young people, education, and sustainable development: Exploring principles …, 2009
Green frontiers: environmental educators dancing away from mechanism
I Bergmann
Environmental Education Research 15 (6), 733-736, 2009
Enhancing and supporting TVET for sustainable development: Towards a synthesis
I Bergmann
Work, Learning and Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges …, 2009
Schools for a healthy environment: module 1: ourselves
J Fien, C White, I Bergmann, M Griffiths, M Parker, J Sayers
UNICEF and Educational Development Centre, 2008
Schools for a healthy environment: module 6: science and technology
J Fien, C White, I Bergmann, M Griffiths, M Parker, J Sayers
UNICEF and Educational Development Centre, 2008
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Articles 1–20