Wai Hoe Chin
Wai Hoe Chin
Scientific collaborator - EPFL
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Cited by
Bacteriophage uptake by mammalian cell layers represents a potential sink that may impact phage therapy
MC Bichet, WH Chin, W Richards, YW Lin, L Avellaneda-Franco, ...
Iscience 24 (4), 2021
Bacteriophages evolve enhanced persistence to a mucosal surface
WH Chin, C Kett, O Cooper, D Müseler, Y Zhang, RS Bamert, R Patwa, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (27), e2116197119, 2022
Bacterial concentration and detection using an ultrasonic nanosieve within a microfluidic device
B Ang, R Habibi, C Kett, WH Chin, JJ Barr, KL Tuck, A Neild, VJ Cadarso
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 374, 132769, 2023
Phage research in ‘organ-on-chip’devices
WH Chin, JJ Barr
Microbiology Australia 40 (1), 28-32, 2019
A mechanism-based pathway toward administering highly active N-phage cocktails
NM Smith, TD Nguyen, WH Chin, JT Sanborn, H de Souza, BM Ho, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1292618, 2023
Bacteriophage uptake by mammalian cell layers represents a potential sink that may impact phage therapy. iScience. 2021; 24: 102287
MC Bichet, WH Chin, W Richards, YW Lin, L Avellaneda-Franco, ...
Bacteriophage uptake by Eukaryotic cell layers represents a major sink for phages during therapy
MC Bichet, WH Chin, W Richards, YW Lin, L Avellaneda-Franco, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.09. 07.286716, 2020
Bacteriophage adaptation to a mammalian mucosa reveals a trans-domain evolutionary axis
WH Chin, C Kett, O Cooper, D Müseler, Y Zhang, R Bamert, R Patwa, ...
Biorxiv, 2021.05. 11.443681, 2021
From test-tube to the gut: Uncovering phage evolution and ecology within the gut-on-a-chip mucus layer
WH Chin
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Articles 1–9