Ellouise Leadbeater
Cited by
Cited by
Social learning in insects—from miniature brains to consensus building
E Leadbeater, L Chittka
Current biology 17 (16), R703-R713, 2007
Agrochemicals interact synergistically to increase bee mortality
H Siviter, EJ Bailes, CD Martin, TR Oliver, J Koricheva, E Leadbeater, ...
Nature 596 (7872), 389-392, 2021
Sulfoxaflor exposure reduces bumblebee reproductive success
H Siviter, MJF Brown, E Leadbeater
Nature 561 (7721), 109-112, 2018
Quantifying the impact of pesticides on learning and memory in bees
H Siviter, J Koricheva, MJF Brown, E Leadbeater
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (6), 2812-2821, 2018
Nest inheritance is the missing source of direct fitness in a primitively eusocial insect
E Leadbeater, JM Carruthers, JP Green, NS Rosser, J Field
Science 333 (6044), 874-876, 2011
Insights from insects about adaptive social information use
C Grueter, E Leadbeater
Trends in ecology & evolution 29 (3), 177-184, 2014
The dynamics of social learning in an insect model, the bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)
E Leadbeater, L Chittka
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61, 1789-1796, 2007
Learning by observation emerges from simple associations in an insect model
EH Dawson, A Avargučs-Weber, L Chittka, E Leadbeater
Current Biology 23 (8), 727-730, 2013
Lower bumblebee colony reproductive success in agricultural compared with urban environments
AE Samuelson, RJ Gill, MJF Brown, E Leadbeater
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 (1881), 20180807, 2018
A new mode of information transfer in foraging bumblebees?
E Leadbeater, L Chittka
Current Biology 15 (12), R447-R448, 2005
Social transmission of nectar-robbing behaviour in bumble-bees
E Leadbeater, L Chittka
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1643), 1669-1674, 2008
Great tits in urban noise benefit from high frequencies in song detection and discrimination
NU Pohl, E Leadbeater, H Slabbekoorn, GM Klump, U Langemann
Animal Behaviour 83 (3), 711-721, 2012
Bumble-bees learn the value of social cues through experience
E Leadbeater, L Chittka
Biology Letters 5 (3), 310-312, 2009
What evolves in the evolution of social learning?
E Leadbeater
Journal of Zoology 295 (1), 4-11, 2015
Effect of acute pesticide exposure on bee spatial working memory using an analogue of the radial-arm maze
EEW Samuelson, ZP Chen-Wishart, RJ Gill, E Leadbeater
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 38957, 2016
Social learning: ants and the meaning of teaching
E Leadbeater, NE Raine, L Chittka
Current biology 16 (9), R323-R325, 2006
Sulfoxaflor exposure reduces egg laying in bumblebees Bombus terrestris
H Siviter, J Horner, MJF Brown, E Leadbeater
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (1), 160-169, 2020
A social insect perspective on the evolution of social learning mechanisms
E Leadbeater, EH Dawson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (30), 7838-7845, 2017
Social learning: public information in insects
L Chittka, E Leadbeater
Current Biology 15 (21), R869-R871, 2005
No evidence for negative impacts of acute sulfoxaflor exposure on bee olfactory conditioning or working memory
H Siviter, A Scott, G Pasquier, CD Pull, MJF Brown, E Leadbeater
PeerJ 7, e7208, 2019
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Articles 1–20