Yoriyuki Yamagata
Cited by
Cited by
Anomaly detection for a water treatment system using unsupervised machine learning
J Inoue, Y Yamagata, Y Chen, CM Poskitt, J Sun
2017 IEEE international conference on data mining workshops (ICDMW), 1058-1065, 2017
Falsification of cyber-physical systems using deep reinforcement learning
T Akazaki, S Liu, Y Yamagata, Y Duan, J Hao
Formal Methods: 22nd International Symposium, FM 2018, Held as Part of the …, 2018
Log-based anomaly detection of CPS using a statistical method
Y Harada, Y Yamagata, O Mizuno, EH Choi
2017 8th International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in …, 2017
Falsification of cyber-physical systems using deep reinforcement learning
Y Yamagata, S Liu, T Akazaki, Y Duan, J Hao
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 47 (12), 2823-2840, 2020
Arch-comp 2020 category report: Falsification
G Ernst, P Arcaini, I Bennani, A Donze, G Fainekos, G Frehse, L Mathesen, ...
EPiC Series in Computing, 2020
ARCH-COMP 2019 Category Report: Falsification.
G Ernst, P Arcaini, A Donze, G Fainekos, L Mathesen, G Pedrielli, ...
ARCH@ CPSIoTWeek, 129-140, 2019
ARCH-COMP 2021 Category Report: Falsification with Validation of Results.
G Ernst, P Arcaini, I Bennani, A Chandratre, A Donzé, G Fainekos, ...
ARCH@ ADHS, 133-152, 2021
Arch-comp 2022 category report: Falsification with ubounded resources
G Ernst, P Arcaini, G Fainekos, F Formica, J Inoue, T Khandait, ...
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Applied Verification of …, 2022
Domain-specific languages with Scala
C Artho, K Havelund, R Kumar, Y Yamagata
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 17th International Conference on …, 2015
Model-based testing of stateful apis with modbat
C Artho, M Seidl, Q Gros, EH Choi, T Kitamura, A Mori, R Ramler, ...
2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2015
Runtime monitoring for concurrent systems
Y Yamagata, C Artho, M Hagiya, J Inoue, L Ma, Y Tanabe, M Yamamoto
International Conference on Runtime Verification, 386-403, 2016
Strong normalization of second order symmetric lambda-mu calculus
Y Yamagata
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software: 4th International Symposium, TACS …, 2001
On accelerating smt-based bounded model checking of hstm designs
W Kong, L Liu, Y Yamagata, K Taguchi, H Ohsaki, A Fukuda
2012 19th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference 1, 614-623, 2012
Java Pathfinder on Android Devices
A Kohan, M Yamamoto, C Artho, Y Yamagata, L Ma, M Hagiya, Y Tanabe
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 41 (6), 1-5, 2017
A formal semantics of extended hierarchical state transition matrices using CSP#
Y Yamagata, W Kong, A Fukuda, N Van Tang, H Ohsaki, K Taguchi
Formal Aspects of Computing 26, 943-962, 2014
Strong normalization of the second-order symmetric λμ-calculus
Y Yamagata
Information and Computation 193 (1), 1-20, 2004
Evaluation of a resilience embedded system using probabilistic model-checking
L Fang, Y Yamagata, Y Oiwa
arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.1703, 2014
A sequent calculus for Limit Computable Mathematics
S Berardi, Y Yamagata
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 153 (1-3), 111-126, 2008
A sequent calculus for 1-backtracking
S Berardi, Y Yamagata
Technical Report, Turin University, December 2005. http://www. di. unito. it …, 2006
With an open mind: How to write good models
C Artho, K Hayamizu, R Ramler, Y Yamagata
International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems, 3-18, 2013
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Articles 1–20