Chuluunbaatar Ochbadrakh
Chuluunbaatar Ochbadrakh
S. Dr
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Cited by
KANTBP: A program for computing energy levels, reaction matrix and radial wave functions in the coupled-channel hyperspherical adiabatic approach
O Chuluunbaatar, AA Gusev, AG Abrashkevich, A Amaya-Tapia, ...
Computer Physics Communications 177 (8), 649-675, 2007
KANTBP 2.0: New version of a program for computing energy levels, reaction matrix and radial wave functions in the coupled-channel hyperspherical adiabatic approach
O Chuluunbaatar, AA Gusev, SI Vinitsky, AG Abrashkevich
Computer Physics Communications 179 (9), 685-693, 2008
ODPEVP: A program for computing eigenvalues and eigenfunctions and their first derivatives with respect to the parameter of the parametric self-adjoined Sturm–Liouville problem
O Chuluunbaatar, AA Gusev, SI Vinitsky, AG Abrashkevich
Computer Physics Communications 180 (8), 1358-1375, 2009
POTHMF: A program for computing potential curves and matrix elements of the coupled adiabatic radial equations for a hydrogen-like atom in a homogeneous magnetic field
O Chuluunbaatar, AA Gusev, VP Gerdt, VA Rostovtsev, SI Vinitsky, ...
Computer Physics Communications 178 (4), 301-330, 2008
Calculation of a hydrogen atom photoionization in a strong magnetic field by using the angular oblate spheroidal functions
O Chuluunbaatar, AA Gusev, VL Derbov, MS Kaschiev, LA Melnikov, ...
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (38), 11485, 2007
Uncoupled correlated calculations of helium isoelectronic bound states
O Chuluunbaatar, IV Puzynin, SI Vinitsky
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 34 (14), L425, 2001
Symbolic-numerical algorithms to solve the quantum tunneling problem for a coupled pair of ions
AA Gusev, SI Vinitsky, O Chuluunbaatar, VP Gerdt, VA Rostovtsev
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 13th International Workshop, CASC …, 2011
Modified two-centre continuum wavefunction: application to the dissociative ionization of H+ 2 by fast electrons
O Chuluunbaatar, BB Joulakian, K Tsookhuu, SI Vinitsky
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 37 (12), 2607, 2004
The application of adiabatic method for the description of impurity states in quantum nanostructures
AA Gusev, O Chuluunbaatar, SI Vinitsky, EM Kazaryan, HA Sarkisyan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 248 (1), 012047, 2010
Channeling problem for charged particles produced by confining environment
O Chuluunbaatar, AA Gusev, VL Derbov, PM Krassovitskiy, SI Vinitsky
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 72, 768-778, 2009
Symbolic-numeric algorithms for computer analysis of spheroidal quantum dot models
AA Gusev, O Chuluunbaatar, VP Gerdt, VA Rostovtsev, SI Vinitsky, ...
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 12th International Workshop, CASC …, 2010
Benchmark Kantorovich calculations for three particles on a line
O Chuluunbaatar, AA Gusev, MS Kaschiev, VA Kaschieva, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39 (2), 243, 2005
Explicit Magnus expansions for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation
O Chuluunbaatar, VL Derbov, A Galtbayar, AA Gusev, MS Kaschiev, ...
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (29), 295203, 2008
Three identical particles on a line: comparison of some exact and approximate calculations
O Chuluunbaatar, AA Gusev, SY Larsen, SI Vinitsky
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35 (33), L513, 2002
A Symbolic-numerical algorithm for solving the eigenvalue problem for a hydrogen atom in the magnetic field: cylindrical coordinates
O Chuluunbaatar, A Gusev, V Gerdt, M Kaschiev, V Rostovtsev, ...
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 10th International Workshop, CASC …, 2007
Adiabatic description of nonspherical quantum dot models
AA Gusev, O Chuluunbaatar, SI Vinitsky, KG Dvoyan, EM Kazaryan, ...
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 75, 1210-1226, 2012
Symbolic-numerical algorithms for solving parabolic quantum well problem with hydrogen-like impurity
SI Vinitsky, O Chuluunbaatar, VP Gerdt, AA Gusev, VA Rostovtsev
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 11th International Workshop, CASC …, 2009
Photoionization and recombination of a hydrogen atom in a magnetic field
O Chuluunbaatar, AA Gusev, SI Vinitsky, VL Derbov, LA Melnikov, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (3), 034702, 2008
Adiabatic approach to the problem of a quantum well with a hydrogen-like impurity
AA Gusev, O Chuluunbaatar, SI Vinitsky, VL Derbov, EM Kazaryan, ...
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 73, 331-338, 2010
Adiabatic representation for a hydrogen atom photoionization in a uniform magnetic field
O Chuluunbaatar, AA Gusev, VL Derbov, MS Kaschiev, LG Mardoyan, ...
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 71, 844-852, 2008
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Articles 1–20