Duy Dang-Pham
Duy Dang-Pham
Other namesDuy Dang, Duy P.T. Dang, Duy Pham Thien Dang
The Business School, RMIT University
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Cited by
Comparing intention to avoid malware across contexts in a BYOD-enabled Australian university: A Protection Motivation Theory approach
D Dang-Pham, S Pittayachawan
Computers & Security 48, 281-297, 2015
Contributing Factors of Cloud Computing Adoption: a Technology-Organisation-Environment Framework Approach
MZ Nkhoma, D Dang
International Journal of Information Systems and Engineering (IJISE) 1 (1 …, 2013
Applications of social network analysis in behavioural information security research: concepts and empirical analysis
D Dang-Pham, S Pittayachawan, V Bruno
Computers & Security 68, 1-15, 2017
Service innovation, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions: a conceptual framework
NT Truong, D Dang-Pham, RJ McClelland, M Nkhoma
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 11 (3), 529-542, 2020
Why employees share information security advice? Exploring the contributing factors and structural patterns of security advice sharing in the workplace
D Dang-Pham, S Pittayachawan, V Bruno
Computers in Human Behavior 67, 196-206, 2017
Information Security and People: A Conundrum for Compliance
HC Pham, D Dang-Pham, L Brennan, J Richardson
Australasian Journal of Information Systems 21, 2017
Applying network analysis to investigate interpersonal influence of information security behaviours in the workplace
D Dang-Pham, S Pittayachawan, V Bruno
Information & Management 54 (5), 625-637, 2017
Exploring the impact of innovativeness of hospitality service operation on customer satisfaction
N Truong, D Dang-Pham, R McClelland, M Nkhoma
Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 13 (3), 307-319, 2020
Exploring behavioral information security networks in an organizational context: An empirical case study
D Dang-Pham, S Pittayachawan, V Bruno
Journal of Information Security and Applications 34 (Part 1), 46-62, 2017
Digital kaizen: An approach to digital transformation
D Dang-Pham, AP Hoang, DT Vo, K Kautz
Australasian Journal of Information Systems 26, 2022
Impacts of security climate on employees’ sharing of security advice and troubleshooting: Empirical networks
D Dang-Pham, S Pittayachawan, V Bruno
Business Horizons 59 (6), 571-584, 2016
Demystifying online personas of Vietnamese young adults on Facebook: A Q-methodology approach
D Dang, S Pittayachawan, M Nkhoma
Australasian Journal of Information Systems 19, 1-22, 2015
Investigation into the formation of information security influence: network analysis of an emerging organisation
D Dang-Pham, S Pittayachawan, V Bruno
Computers & Security 70, 111-123, 2017
Towards a complete understanding of information security misbehaviours: a proposal for future research with social network approach
D Dang-Pham, S Pittayachawan, V Bruno
Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 2014
Predicting Insider’s Malicious Security Behaviours: A General Strain Theory-Based Conceptual Model
D Dang
CONF-IRM 2014 Proceedings, 2014
Identifying Information Security Opinion Leaders in Organizations: Insights from the Theory of Social Power Bases and Social Network Analysis
D Dang-Pham, K Kautz, AP Hoang, S Pittayachawan
Computers & Security 112 (January 2022), 102505, 2022
Investigating the diffusion of IT consumerization in the workplace: A case study using social network analysis
D Dang-Pham, S Pittayachawan, V Bruno, K Kautz
Information Systems Frontiers 21, 941-955, 2019
Learning analytics techniques and visualisation with textual data for determining causes of academic failure
C Nkhoma, D Dang-Pham, AP Hoang, M Nkhoma, T Le-Hoai, S Thomas
Behaviour & Information Technology 39 (7), 808-823, 2020
Empirical social network analysis in sustainable supply chain in Vietnam
M Akbari, S Clarke, D Dang, M Nkhoma
Proceedings of the 31st Annual Australian & New Zealand Academy of …, 2017
Factors of people-centric security climate: conceptual model and exploratory study in Vietnam
D Dang-Pham, S Pittayachawan, V Bruno
Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 2015
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Articles 1–20