Hugo Navarrete
Cited by
Cited by
Soil nutrients influence spatial distributions of tropical tree species
R John, JW Dalling, KE Harms, JB Yavitt, RF Stallard, M Mirabello, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (3), 864-869, 2007
Enciclopedia de las Plantas Útiles del Ecuador (con extracto de datos)
L De la Torre, H Navarrete, P Muriel, MJ Macía, H Balslev
Herbario QCA de la Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas de la Pontificia …, 2008
Libro rojo de las plantas endémicas del Ecuador
S León, R Valencia, N Pitman, L Endara, C Ulloa, H Navarrete
Hebario QCA, Pontificia Universidad del Ecuador, 2011
Soil resources and topography shape local tree community structure in tropical forests
CA Baldeck, KE Harms, JB Yavitt, R John, BL Turner, R Valencia, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1753), 20122532, 2013
Assessment of anti-protozoal activity of plants traditionally used in Ecuador in the treatment of leishmaniasis
MS Gachet, JS Lecaro, M Kaiser, R Brun, H Navarrete, RA Muñoz, ...
Journal of ethnopharmacology 128 (1), 184-197, 2010
Habitat filtering across tree life stages in tropical forest communities
CA Baldeck, KE Harms, JB Yavitt, R John, BL Turner, R Valencia, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1766), 20130548, 2013
Dissecting biomass dynamics in a large Amazonian forest plot
R Valencia, R Condit, HC Muller-Landau, C Hernandez, H Navarrete
Journal of Tropical Ecology 25 (5), 473-482, 2009
Libro rojo de las plantas endémicas del Ecuador
S León, R Valencia, N Pitman, L Endara, C Ulloa, H Navarrete
Publicaciones Herbario QCA y Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador., Quito, 2011
Tropical tree a-diversity: results from a worldwide network of large plots
RS Condit, MS Ashton, H Balslev, NVL Brokaw, S Bunyavejchewin, ...
Biologiske Skrifter, 2005
Range shifts and extinctions driven by climate change in the tropical Andes: synthesis and directions
TH Larsen, G Brehm, H Navarrete, P Franco, H Gomez, JL Mena, ...
Climate change and biodiversity in the tropical Andes 1, 47-67, 2011
Availability, diversification and versatility explain human selection of introduced plants in Ecuadorian traditional medicine
G Hart, OG Gaoue, L de la Torre, H Navarrete, P Muriel, MJ Macía, ...
PloS one 12 (9), e0184369, 2017
Conservation of vascular epiphyte diversity in shade cacao plantations in the Chocó Region of Ecuador
X Haro‐Carrión, T Lozada, H Navarrete, GHJ De Koning
Biotropica 41 (4), 520-529, 2009
Content and the relationship between cadmium, nickel, and lead concentrations in Ecuadorian cocoa beans from nine provinces
D Romero-Estévez, GS Yánez-Jácome, K Simbaña-Farinango, ...
Food Control 106, 106750, 2019
Palmas ecuatorianas: biología y uso sostenible
R Valencia, Rommel (edit.) Montúfar, Hugo (edit.) Navarrete, ...
Herbario QCA de la PUCE, 2013
Enciclopedia de las plantas útiles del Ecuador
H Balslev, H Navarrete, L De la Torre, M Macía
Herbario QCA & Herbario AAU. Quito & Aarhus 947, 2008
El uso de transectos para el estudio de comunidades de palmas
H Balslev, H Navarrete, N Paniagua-Zambrana, D Pedersen, ...
Ecología en Bolivia 45 (3), 8-22, 2010
Helechos útiles de los Andes Centrales
H Navarrete, B León, J Gonzales, D Aviles, J Salazar, F Mellado, J Alban, ...
Botánica económica de los Andes centrales, 385-411, 2006
La diversidad de ecosistemas en el Ecuador
L De la Torre, H Navarrete, P Muriel, MJ Macía, H Balslev
Enciclopedia de las Plantas Útiles del Ecuador, 1st ed.; De la Torre, L …, 2008
Distribution, Contents, and Health Risk Assessment of Cadmium, Lead, and Nickel in Bananas Produced in Ecuador
D Romero-Estévez, GS Yánez-Jácome, K Simbaña-Farinango, ...
Foods 8 (8), 330, 2019
Comparison of major nutrients and minerals between organic and conventional tomatoes. A review
PY Vélez-Terreros, D Romero-Estévez, GS Yánez-Jácome, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 100, 103922, 2021
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Articles 1–20