Carly Johnco
Carly Johnco
Centre for Emotional Health, Department of Psychology, Macquarie University
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The role of self-care on compassion satisfaction, burnout and secondary trauma among child welfare workers
A Salloum, DC Kondrat, C Johnco, KR Olson
Children and Youth Services Review 49, 54-61, 2015
Adolescent development and risk for the onset of social-emotional disorders: A review and conceptual model
RM Rapee, EL Oar, CJ Johnco, MK Forbes, J Fardouly, NR Magson, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 123, 103501, 2019
The influence of cognitive flexibility on treatment outcome and cognitive restructuring skill acquisition during cognitive behavioural treatment for anxiety and depression in …
C Johnco, VM Wuthrich, RM Rapee
Behaviour research and therapy 57, 55-64, 2014
Reliability and validity of two self-report measures of cognitive flexibility.
C Johnco, VM Wuthrich, RM Rapee
Psychological assessment 26 (4), 1381, 2014
Parental control of the time preadolescents spend on social media: Links with preadolescents’ social media appearance comparisons and mental health
J Fardouly, NR Magson, CJ Johnco, EL Oar, RM Rapee
Journal of youth and adolescence 47, 1456-1468, 2018
Child welfare workers’ perspectives on contributing factors to retention and turnover: Recommendations for improvement
C Johnco, A Salloum, KR Olson, LTM Edwards
Children and Youth Services Review 47, 397-407, 2014
The role of cognitive flexibility in cognitive restructuring skill acquisition among older adults
C Johnco, VM Wuthrich, RM Rapee
Journal of Anxiety disorders 27 (6), 576-584, 2013
The nature of posttraumatic growth in adult survivors of child sexual abuse
S Hartley, C Johnco, M Hofmeyr, A Berry
Journal of child sexual abuse 25 (2), 201-220, 2016
Psychometric properties of the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI) and its short-form (GAI-SF) in a clinical and non-clinical sample of older adults
C Johnco, A Knight, D Tadic, VM Wuthrich
International Psychogeriatrics 27 (7), 1089-1097, 2015
The use of social media by Australian preadolescents and its links with mental health
J Fardouly, NR Magson, RM Rapee, CJ Johnco, EL Oar
Journal of clinical psychology 76 (7), 1304-1326, 2020
Barriers to access and participation in community mental health treatment for anxious children
A Salloum, C Johnco, AB Lewin, NM McBride, EA Storch
Journal of affective disorders 196, 54-61, 2016
Phenomenology and clinical correlates of family accommodation in pediatric anxiety disorders
EA Storch, A Salloum, C Johnco, BF Dane, EA Crawford, MA King, ...
Journal of anxiety disorders 35, 75-81, 2015
Depression literacy and stigma influence how parents perceive and respond to adolescent depressive symptoms
C Johnco, RM Rapee
Journal of Affective Disorders 241, 599-607, 2018
Comparison of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) and abbreviated version (PSWQ-A) in a clinical and non-clinical population of older adults
VM Wuthrich, C Johnco, A Knight
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 28 (7), 657-663, 2014
Stress and coping in older Australians during COVID-19: Health, service utilization, grandparenting, and technology use
PA Strutt, CJ Johnco, J Chen, C Muir, O Maurice, P Dawes, J Siette, ...
Clinical gerontologist 45 (1), 106-119, 2022
The impact of COVID‐19 on the quality of life of older adults receiving community‐based aged care
J Siette, L Dodds, K Seaman, V Wuthrich, C Johnco, J Earl, P Dawes, ...
Australasian journal on ageing 40 (1), 84-89, 2021
The role of parenting behaviors in the bidirectional and intergenerational transmission of depression and anxiety between parents and early adolescent youth
CJ Johnco, NR Magson, J Fardouly, EL Oar, MK Forbes, C Richardson, ...
Depression and anxiety 38 (12), 1256-1266, 2021
A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled pilot study of azithromycin in youth with acute-onset obsessive–compulsive disorder
TK Murphy, EM Brennan, C Johnco, EC Parker-Athill, B Miladinovic, ...
Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology 27 (7), 640-651, 2017
Differences in anxiety and depression symptoms: comparison between older and younger clinical samples
VM Wuthrich, CJ Johnco, JL Wetherell
International Psychogeriatrics 27 (9), 1523-1532, 2015
The premonitory urge revisited: an individualized premonitory urge for tics scale
JF McGuire, N McBride, J Piacentini, C Johnco, AB Lewin, TK Murphy, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 83, 176-183, 2016
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Articles 1–20