Miguel Pereira Lopes
Miguel Pereira Lopes
Associate Professor (with Habilitation), ISCSP/University of Lisbon
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Cited by
Authentic leadership and organizational commitment: The mediating role of positive psychological capital
P Rego, MP Lopes, JL Nascimento
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM) 9 (1), 129-151, 2016
Crafting a calling: The mediating role of calling between challenging job demands and turnover intention
T Esteves, MP Lopes
Journal of Career Development 44 (1), 34-48, 2017
Weblog-technology as a trigger to elicit passion for knowledge
S Kaiser, G Müller-Seitz, M Pereira Lopes, M Pina e Cunha
Organization 14 (3), 391-412, 2007
Who is more proactive, the optimist or the pessimist? Exploring the role of hope as a moderator
MP Lopes, MPE Cunha
The Journal of Positive Psychology 3 (2), 100-109, 2008
Leading to crafting: The relation between leadership perception and nurses’ job crafting
T Esteves, M Pereira Lopes
Western Journal of Nursing Research 39 (6), 763-783, 2017
Comportamento organizacional positivo
M Pina, A Rego, MP Lopes
Análise Psicológica 31 (4), 313-328, 2013
Are your students safe to learn? The role of lecturer’s authentic leadership in the creation of psychologically safe environments and their impact on academic performance
AE Soares, MP Lopes
Active Learning in Higher Education 21 (1), 65-78, 2020
Entrepreneurial behavior
PJ Palma, M Cunha, M Lopes
The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology, Blackwell Publishing, Boston, 2009
Comportamento organizacional positivo e empreendedorismo: Uma influência mutuamente vantajosa
PJTM Palma, MPE Cunha, MB Pereira
Comportamento organizacional e gestão, Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão …, 2007
Doing compassion or doing discipline? Power relations and the Magdalene Laundries
AV Simpson, SR Clegg, MP Lopes, MP e Cunha, A Rego, T Pitsis
Journal of Political Power 7 (2), 253-274, 2014
Conveyed leader PsyCap predicting leader effectiveness through positive energizing
A Rego, KC Yam, BP Owens, JSP Story, M Pina e Cunha, D Bluhm, ...
Journal of Management 45 (4), 1689-1712, 2019
Calling for authentic leadership: The moderator role of calling on the relationship between authentic leadership and work engagement
V Seco, MP Lopes
Open Journal of Leadership 2 (04), 95, 2013
Organizações positivas: manual de trabalho e formação para desenvolver as forças dos indivíduos e das organizações
M CUNHA, A Rego, M LOPES, M Ceitil
Lisboa: Sílabo, 2008
Calling for leadership: leadership relation with worker’s sense of calling
T Esteves, MP Lopes, RL Geremias, PJ Palma
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 39 (2), 248-260, 2018
A relação entre a Educação Física e o rendimento académico dos adolescentes: uma revisão sistemática
M Peralta, Í Maurício, M Lopes, S Costa, H Sarmento, A Marques
El desempeño económico financiero y responsabilidad social corporativa
M Lopes, J Moneva
Contaduría y administración 58 (1), 131-167, 2013
The authentic‐Machiavellian leadership grid: A typology of leadership styles
P Rego, MP Lopes, AV Simpson
Journal of Leadership Studies 11 (2), 48-51, 2017
Gestão estratégica do talento na perspectiva individual e organizacional: proposta de modelo
CC Caracol, PJ Palma, MP Lopes, MJ Sousa
Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho 16 (1), 10-21, 2016
Tolerance is not enough: The moderating role of optimism on perceptions of regional economic performance
MP Lopes, PJ Da Palma, MP e Cunha
Social Indicators Research 102, 333-350, 2011
Paixão e talento no trabalho
PJ da Palma, MP Lopes
Sílabo, 2012
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Articles 1–20