Jorge León Muñoz
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Cited by
Environmental issues in Chilean salmon farming: a review
RA Quiñones, M Fuentes, RM Montes, D Soto, J León‐Muñoz
Reviews in aquaculture 11 (2), 375-402, 2019
Hydroclimatic conditions trigger record harmful algal bloom in western Patagonia (summer 2016)
J León-Muñoz, MA Urbina, R Garreaud, JL Iriarte
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1330, 2018
Aquaculture, non‐native salmonid invasions and associated declines of native fishes in Northern Patagonian lakes
I Arismendi, D Soto, B Penaluna, C Jara, C Leal, J León‐Muñoz
Freshwater Biology 54 (5), 1135-1147, 2009
Differential invasion success of salmonids in southern Chile: patterns and hypotheses
I Arismendi, BE Penaluna, JB Dunham, C García de Leaniz, D Soto, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 24, 919-941, 2014
Spatial structure of hydrography and flow in a Chilean fjord, Estuario Reloncaví
A Valle-Levinson, N Sarkar, R Sanay, D Soto, J León
Estuaries and coasts 30, 113-126, 2007
Salmon farming vulnerability to climate change in southern Chile: understanding the biophysical, socioeconomic and governance links
D Soto, J León‐Muñoz, J Dresdner, C Luengo, FJ Tapia, R Garreaud
Reviews in aquaculture 11 (2), 354-374, 2019
The combined impact of land use change and aquaculture on sediment and water quality in oligotrophic Lake Rupanco (North Patagonia, Chile, 40.8 S)
J León-Muñoz, C Echeverría, R Marcé, W Riss, B Sherman, JL Iriarte
Journal of environmental management 128, 283-291, 2013
Influence of seasonal freshwater streamflow regimes on phytoplankton blooms in a Patagonian fjord
JL Iriarte, J León-Muñoz, R Marcé, A Clément, C Lara
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 51 (2), 304-315, 2017
The glass half-empty: climate change drives lower freshwater input in the coastal system of the Chilean Northern Patagonia
R Aguayo, J León-Muñoz, J Vargas-Baecheler, A Montecinos, ...
Climatic Change 155, 417-435, 2019
Influence of hydrological regime of an Andean river on salinity, temperature and oxygen in a Patagonia fjord, Chile
J León-Muñoz, R Marcé, JL Iriarte
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 47 (4), 515-528, 2013
Hydrological droughts in the southern Andes (40–45 S) from an ensemble experiment using CMIP5 and CMIP6 models
R Aguayo, J León-Muñoz, R Garreaud, A Montecinos
Scientific reports 11 (1), 5530, 2021
The potential use of tree-rings to reconstruct streamflow and estuarine salinity in the Valdivian Rainforest eco-region, Chile
A Lara, R Urrutia, R Villalba, BH Luckman, D Soto, JC Aravena, ...
Dendrochronologia 22 (3), 155-161, 2005
Environmental risk assessment of non‐native salmonid escapes from net pens in the Chilean Patagonia
D Soto, I Arismendi, JA Olivos, CB Canales‐Aguirre, J Leon‐Muñoz, ...
Reviews in Aquaculture 15 (1), 198-219, 2023
Scientific warnings could help to reduce farmed salmon mortality due to harmful algal blooms
D Soto, J León-Muñoz, R Garreaud, RA Quiñones, F Morey
Marine Policy 132, 104705, 2021
Salmon farming in the lakes of southern Chile: Valdivian ecoregion. History, tendencies and environmental impacts
J León-Muñoz, D Tecklin, A Farias, S Díaz
World Wildlife Fund, 2007
Chilean salmon farming vulnerability to external stressors: the COVID 19 as a case to test and build resilience
D Soto, C Chavez, J Leon-Munoz, C Luengo, Y Soria-Galvarro
Marine policy 128, 104486, 2021
Environmental issues in Chilean salmon farming: a review. Rev. Aquac. 11, 375–402
RA Quiñones, M Fuentes, RM Montes, D Soto, J León-Muñoz
Climate and land cover trends affecting freshwater inputs to a fjord in northwestern Patagonia
J León-Muñoz, R Aguayo, R Marcé, N Catalán, S Woelfl, J Nimptsch, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 628454, 2021
Synopsis of salmon farming impacts and environmental management in Chile
J Leon
Investigación Ambiental en la Salmonicultura Chilena: Gasto o Inversión, 11-46, 2006
How is the land use-cover changing in drinking water catchments in the coastal range of south-central Chile (35º–38.5 º S)?
J León-Muñoz, C Echeverría, R Fuentes, F Aburto
Revista Bosque 38 (1), 203-209, 2017
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Articles 1–20